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Recap / Codename Kids Next Door S 3 E 13 A Operation SPROUT

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Numbuh 4 accidentally swallows a Brussels sprout, and it's up to the rest of the team to extract it before it's too late.

Date of Mission: November 12, 2004

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  • Artistic License – Biology: Aside from the usual license of the interior of the body being brightly lit, Numbuh 5 is able to swim in Numbuh 4's stomach acid without experiencing any injuries, though she was only in it for about a minute or so.
  • "Fantastic Voyage" Plot: The whole plot revolves around Numbuh 1, Numbuh 2, and Numbuh 5 entering Numbuh 4's body to retrieve a Brussels sprout, while Numbuh 3 looks after Numbuh 4.
  • Here We Go Again!: After the team successfully takes the Brussels sprout out of Numbuh 4, he ends up getting distracted again at supper and eating a whole piece of liver.
  • I Ate WHAT?!: Numbuh 4's reaction to realizing that he ate a Brussel sprout and again at the end when he ends up absentmindedly eating liver.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Numbuh 5 pointedly refuses to swim in Numbuh 4's stomach acid in order to collect the Brussel sprout, forcing Numbuhs 1 and 2 to do it. Not less than a minute later, she ends up having to do so without the protection the boys got.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Numbuh 4 starts digesting the Sprout, he starts thinking like a mature kid, politely asking to be excused from the dinner table, constantly apologizing to his teammates, and most of all saying he should do his extra homework and clean his room, things that the regular Numbuh 4 wants nothing to do with.
  • Race Against the Clock: There isn't much time to retrieve the Brussels sprout from Numbuh 4, especially considering the I.T.S.Y.B.I.T.S.Y. can't remain small for long.
  • Ship Tease: Numbuh 3 holds Numbuh 4's hand as he's in pain and gets cut off just before she tells him what he means to her.
    Numbuh 3: Hang in there, Numbuh 4. You have to pull through! You're my...
  • Visual Pun: Numbuh 5 runs a CAT scan on Numbuh 4 early on. It involves an actual cat attached to a tennis racket that meows when it detects something.
