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Recap / Bull S 1 E 17 Name Game

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Season 1, Episode 17

Directed by Laura Belsey

Written by Pamela J Wechsler

Name Game

When a bank is responsible for conning clients out of their savings, Bull takes the case, and funds it with his own money. Things get complicated when Benny starts falling for one of the clients.
  • Con Man: Aside from the phony brokers, there's one egotistic female employee in particular that Bull relies on to help prove how gullible people really are, and ends up purchasing a car from in exchange for her repeated assistance.
  • Ironic Name: It's pointed out by Bull that, though the bank is a "Trust", they aren't trustworthy.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Benny's connection with a key client leads him to be more focused on passionately getting her justice than actually listening to Bull's advice, which leads to trouble in court.
  • Shout-Out: The event is compared in-setting to the film Boiler Room.
  • White-Collar Crime: The bank led people to believe they were making a sound stock investment, then had their people sell all their own stocks when enough clients bought in and increased its value.
