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Recap / Babylon Berlin S 1 E 7

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Charlotte's private investigation leads her to the depot where the hijacked train is held. Gereon's pharmacist gets shady instructions. Gereon learns who's behind the train smuggling operation and why, and relives painful memories of the front.


  • Call-Back: When Charlotte and Jaenicke search the print shop, they notice that a page is still stuck into the closed press. It's a copy of the forged consignment papers that Kardakov and Sorokina prepared for their train car, complete with the wagon number and destination for Istanbul.
  • The Charmer: Charlotte charms a railway worker into helping her and answering her questions.
  • Control Freak: Frau Benda meticulously aligns the position of each object on the dinner table.
  • Flashback: At one point Gereon flashes back to a Great War battlefield scene. We see the horse in the gas mask – Yucatan, and his brother crying out for him nearby. Gereon rescues his brother.
  • Foreshadowing: Dr. Schmidt talks about the use of barbituric acid and hypno-therapy as a treatment.
  • Inkblot Test: Dr. Schmidt holds a lecture regarding the treatment of shell-shock which includes a Rorschach test. At this point many of the medical students accuse him of pseudo-science.
  • Montage Out: We see Alfred Nyssen arrested at a high-class party. Greta checks in on the Benda children and is exuberant to finally have her own bed in which to sleep. Gereon’s pharmacist prepares the new barbituric acid. Krajewski begins to lose his mind as his withdrawal deepens, cringing in terror at shifting shadows on the wall. In the forest, a fox extracts and gnaws on severed arm in a shallow grave in a forest, with a "4" tattooed on the hand.
  • Sentimental Music Cue: Sad music accompanies Gereon's flashback to the battle field.
  • Vader Breath: Gereon, in a flashback to the war when he was wearing a gas mask.
