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Radar / Welcome to the Wayne

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  • In the pilot, Olly says that his mother takes "pole aerobics" classes, and says this right before he swings around a large pole on the exterior of the Wayne using his Grapvine.
  • Saraline in "Mail Those Cards, Boys!": "you're an ASSet Leif, but you're our asset".
  • Wendell in "Today Was Wassome", announcing intent to Cut His Heart Out with a Spoon: "I know there's a vampire somewhere in the Wayne. I'll find it and I'll spoon it." Which causes Olly to wonder: "Do you think he's the little spoon or the big spoon?"
  • The Bobby & Tommy theme song in "It's the Mid-Season Finale": "I could tell you more, but there isn't much to tell / For Bobby and Tommy, life's a living—".
  • In "Wall-to-Wall Ping-Pong Ball", after the ninja (Goodness) asks why Team Timbers is helping Andrei if he is a vampire, they say that he isn't evil and Olly adds: "because he is green and floats that's not a reason to flush him down the toilet".
  • In "8:08:08", after The Spy and her agents tell Team Timbers and their friends to give up in their search for the "eighth person".
    Ansi: "Don't you know by now that Team Timbers doesn't give up, except in the Saturday Crossword Puzzle."
    Olly: "Kiss our three letter word for butt."
    (Shocked, everyone gasps, thinking he said "ass")
  • In "Gimble in the Wabe", Wendell says something along the lines of, "It's so hot that you can fry an egg between my-".
  • When they find the secret pool Ansi tries to remember the password they need to tell to the lifeguard but Wendell interrupts him saying, "Nobody cares, I need to refresh my boys" while looking down his pants. Immediately afterwards, he gets near Olly and Leif (as he was actually referring to them) and says "Right boys?"
  • After Harvey tells the kids about the pool, he says he and his wife will be in the kitchen in their underwear because of the blackout-caused heat.
  • In "Welcome to the Wassermans", after suspicion of Wendell's sister, Stacey, the group goes to her bedroom to investigate. Wendell checks her drawers, but when he sees something inside, he quickly closes it in shock.
  • The scene in "Some Sort of Bad Luck Curse" where Olly is about to forcefully give Ansi "mouth-to-mouth re-kiss-itation" after (accidentally) knocking him off a ledge and (accidentally) macing his eyes with mouth spray plays out a touch like sexual assault. The last shot of Ansi's fearful expression over a Scare Chord, with Olly implied to be on top of him, does not help.
