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Quotes / Some Dexterity Required

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This is fucked beyond belief! It's like, the controls in this game are like something you'd do for a cheat code. Not a basic move that you have to do in order to play the game! Why'd they program it in such an asinine, ball-brained, cockamamie, ridiculous fashion?! It's like, jeez, there's four buttons right on the front of the controller! ...Like that's not enough to work with?! Instead, they have to like program it, like, all into, like, weird kinda crazy button combinations and shit?! It's like, what were they thinking?! It's like, Up is jump? Select for the grappling hook? Select shouldn't even be part of the game. Select should be, like, for the menus or something. I mean, jeez! Like, were they trying to just ruin this game? Just flat out just fuck it up?! Well, they did! Batman Forever: It sucked back then, and it sucks forever!

Because memorizing a long list of moves is just so much fun. Like an exam for a video game. Fun!
Aeris, VG Cats #136

These are the kinds of controls that run into your granny's dining room and smash all of the china!
Caddicarus, The Awful World of Skateboarding Games

But because the Bow likes to cut corners like a [shows picture of Illumination Entertainment] low budget animation studio, you can skip straight to the ball-dropping by holding the left trigger, the right trigger, the left face button, the D-sharp diminish chord, the brake pedal and rubbing the Playstation trackpad in the shape of a dodecahedron.
JoCat, A Crap Guide to Monster Hunter: World - Bow
