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Quotes / Pineapple Ruins Pizza

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"Are you kidding? Pizza is the pinnacle of savoury goodness! Why would you ruin that by putting FRUIT on it?!"
Marie regarding pineapple on pizza, Splatoon

Chunk: It's a good thing I have extra pizza toppings on me. A roadie's always got to be prepared. I even got pineapple if you wanna get wild.
Security Guard: You need to leave.
The Loud House, "In The Mick Of Time"

"No pineapple, thank you."
Aki Rosenthal in response to a question about pineapple on pizza, hololive

Sprig: Oh! Oh! Maybe we should put pineapple on it. Seems like a natural fit. [groans as Anne pins him to the wall]
Anne: [whispers] Don't you dare talk about pineapple on my pizza. Ever.

Bowser: [Ordering pizza] And toppings?
[Everyone else gives their topping requests]
SMG4: Pineapple!
[Beat as everyone gives SMG4 confused and judging looks]
Bowser: [On phone] Yes, a meatlovers, a vegetarian, a spaghetti, and... pineapple... [Short Beat] No, it's not for me. [Another short Beat] Yes, he does have a mental disability.
[The camera cuts back to SMG4's face, revealing a massive frown]

"Pepperoni, and no pineapple."
Katrina Beaufort when asked what pizza toppings she wants, Shining and Sweet

Leon: What's so wrong about pineapple on pizza?! It's just a flavor...
Archie: You don't get it, man. You can't just put pineapple on pizza and call it a meal!

Beerus: "Hawaiian"? I'm unfamiliar with that variety of pizza.
Goku: Ooooh, it's so good! It's ham and pineapple.
Beerus: (Beat) Excuse you and your entire race?
Goku: Ham and pineapple.
Beerus: That is disgusting. Why would you ruin perfectly good pizza with pineapple?
Goku: What!? Nah, it's the best! It just plays so well with the ham and the tomato-
Beerus: It's an abomination, and I now believe Zamasu did nothing wrong. Why would you put sweet and juicy fruit on top of a salty, delicious pizza?
Whis: Well to be fair, Lord Beerus, tomato is a fruit.
Beerus: Don't you play Dabura's advocate here, Whis! Lest you suggest we start filling calzones with raspberry jam.
