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Quotes / Last Het Romance

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Hillary: Wait, wait, wait, you mean my Dylan, is now your Dylan?
David: Who knew, Hilary? You're the Gaymaker. The last stop on the train to Gay-ville. Sprinkle on a little Hillary, and (waves hand) HELLO!

Harper: First guy I ever slept with came out while he was inside of me.
Charlie: I really hate to be the one that has to explain this to you. That's actually how sex works.
Duncan: That's not what she's talking about, bro.
Harper: He came out as a gay man.
Charlie: While he was inside you?
Duncan: Yeah, you know, it's like you don't really know until you tried it. And then, once you tried it, you really know.

Cindy: I thought you loved me.
Bobby: Oh, but I did, baby. But abstinence can make you discover new things about yourself. That's right, Cindy. I'm gay. And in case you haven't noticed, so is Ray.
Ray: What? I ain't gay.

Greg: And then there was the time I was making out in the back seat with Sally Ketchum ... We were necking and I was feeling her boobs, and feeling her boobs, and after about an hour or so she said, "Ooohhhh! Don't you want to feel anything else?" And I suddenly thought to myself, "No, I don't."
Zach: Did that come as a surprise to you?
Greg: I guess, yeah. It was probably the first time I realized I was homosexual.
