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Playing With / What Does This Button Do?

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Basic Trope: A curious character presses a button without restraint, causing massive havoc.

  • Straight: Bob sees a Big Red Button, and immediately asks, "What does this button do?" while walking over to press it. It's the self destruct for the base they're in.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob does this to every button he encounters within a second of seeing it.
    • Bob says, “Oh, sweet! A button!” before slamming it in with his head.
    • The technicians finish installing the button, and five seconds after they're done, Bob presses it.
  • Downplayed: Bob asks what the button does, but does not press it.
  • Justified: Bob is Curious as a Monkey and really dumb on top of that, so he doesn’t know any better.
  • Inverted: Bob paranoidly works to prevent anyone from touching any buttons.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob presses the button… and nothing happens, much to his disappointment.
    • Bob asks the trope sarcastically while pointing at the button but doesn’t actually press it.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Bob walks outside and finds half the base is destroyed, as a direct result of pressing the button.
    • Bob presses it by accident in the process, much to his horror.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob is unable to comprehend why this may be dangerous and goes up to the button again even after triggering an explosion.
    • Alice warns Bob against pressing the button in a manner that makes it the biggest forbidden fruit ever, causing Bob to have a psychotic break.
    • The button is "The Crazy Button". It makes something wacky happen.
      Bob: The button! It calls to us!
  • Zig Zagged: It’s sarcastic on Bob’s part: He knows what the button will do, and so does Alice, which is why she is panicking.
  • Averted: No buttons are pressed.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked: Bob is deliberately trying to sabotage an evil lab, and figures that randomly slamming dangerous looking buttons will work.
  • Exploited:
    • The button is a trap for the particularly stupid.
    • Alice sends Bob to work with a rival, knowing he will unknowingly sabotage him like this.
  • Defied:
    • The keyboard is genetically locked, to prevent anyone stupid from using it.
    • Bob gets up to "What does this bu—" before Alice punches him out to prevent an incident.
    • Bob does not push any buttons unless he knows what they do.
  • Discussed: "He’s going to wander over to the button and press it like the big dope he is, isn’t he?"
  • Conversed: ???

What Does This Button Do?? Oh, it just goes back to the main page. How boring.
