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Playing With / Violence is the Only Option

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Basic Trope: Problems in fiction are best solved through violence.

  • Straight: President Alice of Tropestan sends Ambassador Bob to negotiate with General Evulz. Negotiations fail, and war breaks out.
  • Exaggerated: Alice doesn't bother with negotiations; she just declares war.
  • Downplayed: Bob goes to negotiate with Evulz. A brief fistfight breaks out, but is quickly resolved, when Evulz is cowed into submission, and agrees to take threats of war off table. Bob concludes that sometimes violence is necessary to prevent even greater violence.
  • Justified: Evulz is an Ax-Crazy warmonger, so negotiations won't be effective.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Evulz isn't known for negotiating, but he strikes an agreement with Bob.
  • Double Subverted: The agreement is a ruse so Evulz can launch a surprise attack on Tropestan.
  • Parodied: President Alice runs out of milk. She responds by declaring war on a neighbouring country
  • Zig-Zagged: It looks like Bob's negotiations with Evulz will fail, but Evulz suddenly agrees to Bob's proposal. After Bob returns home, however, Evulz launches a surprise attack on Tropestan. Alice, however, has prepared for this contingency, and Tropestan launches a successful counterattack in which Evulz is killed. His replacement then decides that reopening negotiations would be a good idea.
  • Averted: The negotiations succeed. End of story.
  • Enforced: Negotiations are boring; violence isn't.
  • Lampshaded: "So much for negotiations. Looks like we're going to war after all."
  • Invoked:
    • Alice sends Bob to negotiate with Evulz, knowing that he'll fail so she can then declare war.
    • Someone sabotages the negotiations so that war will break out.
  • Exploited: Arms Dealer Charlie sees the war coming and gets his merchandise ready to sell.
  • Defied: Bob and Evulz fail to negotiate. However, something comes up that prevents either side from declaring a war.
  • Discussed: "Bob's gone to negotiate, but we'd better arm ourselves in case he fails."
  • Conversed: "If this is a war movie, then don't have too much faith in Bob's chances."
  • Deconstructed: War breaks out between Tropestan and Evulz' forces. Many people are killed, and the land is devastated.
  • Reconstructed: The war ends with Evulz' defeat; with him gone, Tropestan can restore peace and rebuild the land.

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