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Playing With / The Fool

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Basic: A good-natured idiot with a lot of luck.

  • Straight: Alec is a bumbling moron who has no idea how to do anything, but because he's a good person, everything turns out okay for him.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alec has a very low IQ, but he's still the president, won the lottery, and everyone loves him.
    • Alec is Too Dumb to Fool.
  • Downplayed: Alec's luck is conditoned by the goodness of his actions: if he starts acting selfishly, he has no Karmic Protection.
  • Justified: Alec was actually blessed at birth with a permanent good luck charm, unbeknownst to him or anyone around him, because he is too much of an airhead to actually wish harm on anyone.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Seems like everything works out for Alec, but turns out that's just because the villains wanted to give him a particularly painful fate, and he dies torturously.
    • Seems like Alec's an idiot who gets lucky, but he's actually a genius who uses Obfuscating Stupidity and uses complex algorithms to ensure everything works out.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...except that wasn't Alec after all but his identical twin, and Alec is alive, well, and as cheerfully stupid as ever.
    • ... which were provided to him by his friend Belinda, and he's actually quite clueless.
  • Parodied:
    • Alec does a bunch of dumb stuff, like falling into a lava pit, trying to hug a grizzly bear, and leaping off a cliff because he wants to fly, that would realistically kill him, and every time, one of the other characters says something along the lines of "Is he dead this time?" He always emerges without a scratch on him.
    • Alec is actually a colourful starfish with good luck.
  • Deconstructed:
    • After a while, Alec's luck runs out, and when he does something dumb, he just dies.
    • A lifetime of things going his way eventually causes Alec to devolve into a psychopathic, hedonistic man-child with no grasp on reality on top of his stupidity.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Alec is immortal. (Still stupid, though.)
    • Because Alec is still good-hearted despite being notoriously stupid, he actually does much more good than ill with his good fortune, which makes him well-liked and kept around like some lucky charm pet.
  • Averted:
    • Alec is intelligent.
    • When Alec does things that should kill/injure him, they kill/injure him.
  • Enforced: Alec is an idiot who the writers and producers were planning to kill off in episode 3, but he became a fan favorite, so they have everything work out for him instead.
  • Implied: In episode 2, Belinda tells her brother, Caleb, who is the POV character, that she's going on a quest with Alec, who is an idiot and will probably be dead in a week. When they return, Belinda and the others are all beaten-up, injured or dead- except Alec, who doesn't have a scratch on him.
  • Lampshaded: "Alec's a moron, but everything seems to turn out okay for him- always. I wish I were Alec, honestly."
  • Invoked: One of the gods in the heavens protects Alec from all harm even though he is an idiot so he stays alive long enough to learn of his powers.
  • Exploited: The genius boss of a secret society, Damon, recruits Alec because nothing bad seems to happen to him.
  • Defied: Lady Fortune herself appears in front of Alec and tells him his good fortune charm is over, after one stupid accident of his doing actually causes harm to other people, even though he himself didn't suffer any damage.
  • Discussed: "Looks like it's time for Alec to join the ranks of invincible idiots."
  • Conversed: "Don't you just hate it when an idiot always wins because of dumb luck?" "It's not just luck, it's good karma: Alec would never be that successful if he were a bad person."
  • Played for Drama: Over the course of the series, the core group, including Alec, goes into a lot of battles and dangerous situations together, and people die protecting Alec. The survivors begin to resent Alec for it.
  • Played for Horror: Alec made a deal with the devil, trading his goodness for everything working out. He gets crueler and crueler, until he snaps and kills Belinda in her sleep.
