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Playing With / Lemon

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Basic Trope: A fanfic with sex in it.

  • Straight: Charlie the fanwriter writes a fanfic where Alice and Bob have sex.
  • Exaggerated: The fanfic consists solely of sex scenes.
  • Downplayed:
    • The fanfic has a plot, with Alice and Bob having deep relationships, but it's clear it's all working up to the sex at the end.
    • Lime
  • Justified: The plot of the story depends on the sex scene.
  • Inverted: Someone writes a fic with No Hugging, No Kissing.
  • Subverted: The fic uses a Sexy Discretion Shot.
  • Double Subverted: Or what first appears to be one, as the fic then shows the action anyway.
  • Parodied: Intentional IKEA Erotica.
  • Zig Zagged: Some parts of the fic are sexier than others, or it's a story which is about finding out if they actually had sex.
  • Averted: The fic doesn't have any sex in it.
  • Enforced: It usually isn't. Unless it's requested and the fanfic author accepts the request.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "Oh look. Alice and Bob have sex in this fic."
    • Actual lemons (the fruits) appear all over the story as a recurring motif, specially when explicit situations are about to occur.
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob is a Show Within a Show with No Hugging, No Kissing. Charlie fixes this by writing a lemon.
  • Exploited: Charlie writes a lemon to become popular with Alice/Bob shippers.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob are aware they are in a fanfic and have no desire to be paired together, so every time one of them feels sexually aroused, he or she takes a cold shower instead.
  • Discussed: "Why are we doing it?"
  • Conversed: ???

Back to Lemon. But don't let the kids see. Yes. We are aware of the pun in Playing With a Lemon.
