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Playing With / Kill Me Now, or Forever Stay Your Hand

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Basic Trope: One character gives another, who wants to kill him, an unexpected chance to kill, causing the other to give up the idea of killing him.

  • Straight: Anthony resents Brandon, blaming him for his brother's death. One day, when they are on patrol, they meet enemy forces and must fight their way out. Anthony's gun runs out of ammo, and Brandon hands him his own, telling him to cover him while he runs for the radio to get the news out. Anthony keeps careful watch and stops resenting him.
  • Exaggerated: Anthony hates Brandon on such a level it's a miracle that he stays his hands. After that he stops wanting to kill him and they becomes fast friends.
  • Downplayed: Anthony, still angry with Brandon but not really wanting him dead (or possibly needing him alive), fires into the wall behind Brandon.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Anthony doesn't blame Brandon for his brother's death, but Donald's continual suspicion and unwillingness to trust foment his grievance until he does blame him — his conscience is obviously guilty.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: But he doesn't actually shoot.
  • Parodied: Anthony shoots Brandon in the head as soon as he is handed a gun.
  • Zig Zagged: Anthony wrestles with the question of whether he really wants Brandon dead throughout the work, and possibly across works, sometimes nearly killing Brandon, sometimes holding back.
  • Averted: Brandon never gets into a situation where he has to put his life into Anthony's hands.
  • Enforced: The producers need to quickly wrap up Anthony's revenge arc to move on to other things.
  • Lampshaded: Anthony sees through what Brandon was doing and leaves a snarky remark.
    Anthony: "Of course, I'm supposed to not fire at you."
  • Invoked: Brandon, knowing that Anthony resents him, puts a loaded pistol (with Anthony's finger on the trigger) to his own head, deliberately putting his own life in Anthony's hands.
  • Exploited: The pistol Brandon gives to Anthony is loaded with blank shells. This is a Secret Test of Character, if Anthony attempted to fire at Brandon, Brandon would gleefully retaliate.
  • Defied: Anthony eventually shoots Brandon.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played For Laughs: Brandon gets into a comically stupid and over-the-top situation that seems to be daring Anthony to kill him, but Anthony decides not to.

If you're not going to kill me, let's go back to Kill Me Now, or Forever Stay Your Hand.
