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Playing With / Delivery Guy Infiltration

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Basic Trope: The heroes use a food delivery disguise to get into the Big Bad's Lair.

  • Straight: The hero, Bob, dresses up as a pizza delivery man, goes to Emperor Evulz’s lair, and breaks in. Cut to Emperor Evulz’s Mook saying, “Hey, I didn’t order pizza!” after Bob breaks in.
  • Exaggerated: Bob does this to every villain he faces.
  • Logical Extreme: Bob takes his pizza delivery disguise to the extreme by actually setting up a legitimate pizza delivery business as a front for his infiltration operations.
  • Downplayed: Emperor Evulz gets suspicious and knows he didn’t order pizza, but he takes up the offer because he loves pizza.
  • Justified: Emperor Evulz really did order a pizza.
  • Inverted: The actual pizza delivery guy goes around and breaks into people’s houses, even the good people.
  • Subverted: Emperor Evulz’s minion notices that it’s just Bob in a disguise.
  • Double Subverted: No one listens because they want pizza.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Bob brings a pizza to the lair to try to break in. The minions know they didn’t order pizza, but they take it in anyways. However, they kick Bob out saying he’s not allowed to go inside. Bob knocks them out and goes in anyways.
  • Averted: Bob doesn’t use a pizza delivery as a disguise.
  • Enforced: "We need a way for Bob to get in." "I know! Let's do the classic pizza delivery trick!"
  • Lampshaded: "Hey! We didn’t order pizza!"
  • Invoked: Bob sees a pizza delivery man on his way to the lair, giving him an idea.
  • Exploited: Evulz always places to-go orders so no one tries this with him falling for it.
  • Defied:
    • Emperor Evulz makes sure that pizza delivery guys only stay outside and never enter his lair.
    • Emperor Evulz forbids outside catering and has his mooks serve food for those on-site in a cafeteria.
  • Discussed: "So how are we going to get in there?" "Disguise as a pizza delivery guy?"
  • Implied: The scene cuts to Bob in a pizza delivery uniform knocking on Emperor Evulz's lair door, implying that he successfully gained entry using the disguise.
  • Deconstructed: Bob's attempt to infiltrate Emperor Evulz's lair using a food delivery disguise is promptly foiled as the guards, with deadpan expressions, question why they would ever order pizza to a heavily fortified secret base.
  • Reconstructed: Bob recognizes the absurdity of the food delivery disguise and instead employs a clever strategy, teaming up with a pizza-loving informant within the lair who willingly smuggles him in under the guise of a legitimate pizza delivery.
  • Played For Laughs: A duo of overzealous guards utterly ventilate a pizza delivery guy as soon as they see the truck pull up, certain that it's a pesky do-gooder attempting an infiltration. Turns out Evulz DID order a pizza, and he is not pleased at having his stuffed-crust meat lover's riddled with bullets...
  • Played for Drama: Bob, with a mix of determination and mild panic, reluctantly dresses up as a pizza delivery man, realizing that his fate now depends on the accuracy of his pizza order and the gullibility of Emperor Evulz's minions.
  • Played for Horror: The pizza delivery disguise takes a turn when Emperor Evulz, with a sadistic grin, uncovers Bob's true intentions and proceeds to subject him to a torturous pizza-themed interrogation.

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