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Playing With / Contagious Powers

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Basic Trope: People around The Hero gain enough super powers to put them on his or her level (and become shouldered with similar responsibilities).

  • Straight: In the Magical Girl anime Troper★Heart, Arisu's bestfriendforever Chiaki becomes a Magical Girl midway in the series.
  • Exaggerated: By the end of Troper★Heart, all of Arisu's classmates have become magical girls. (All 30 of them.)
  • Downplayed: Chiaki becomes a Mysterious Protector or Badass Normal instead.
  • Justified:
    • Anyone with enough "Heart" can become a Magical Girl, Chiaki's "Heart" grows from her feeling of wanting to protect Arisu.
    • Arisu's mind generates a field that awakens the power of people around her. And Chiaki is almost always seen near her.
    • Shinji, their classmate, is actually capable of giving others the power of heart and Really 700 Years Old, despite seeming to be the same age, and she cares about Arisu. She originally gave Arisu the powers to become a Magical Girl. After Chiaki got threatened, she got them as well, in order to help Arisu relax, as well as using the excuse that the event must have awakened them.
  • Inverted: Troper Heart starts with Arisu and Chiaki the magical girl duo. Midway in the series, Chiaki is Brought Down to Normal.
  • Subverted: Chiaki dons a Magical Girl outfit and does the pose... but she can't actually use magic power. The villains promptly thrash her.
  • Double Subverted: But The Powers That Be are impressed with her determination, and exalt her into Magical Girl-hood.
  • Parodied: The contagiousness of Arisu's power turns her not-boyfriend Daisuke into a Magical Girl.
  • Zig Zagged: Some of Arisu's close friends and relatives gain super powers; others who are just as close don't.
  • Averted: In Troper Heart, the nature of Magical Girl power is such that they are few and far between, thus it's a slim chance that people around Arisu have what it takes to be a Magical Girl (no, that quality is not "the ability to keep a stiff upper lip").
  • Enforced: The crew behind the show is tired of having to write episodes around Arisu, they want to try Chiaki.
  • Lampshaded: "Tee~hee~, it seems that some of your cool-style rubbed on me!"
  • Invoked: Chiaki, who has figured out Arisu's secret, hangs out with her more in hopes of gaining powers as well.
  • Exploited: Chiaki dresses up in a Magical Girl costume and fakes some abilities just well enough to confuse the Quirky Miniboss Squad, thus giving a nearly overwhelmed Arisu a chance to make a comeback.
  • Defied: Queen Superbia kills all of Arisu's friends and families, to prevent Arisu's power from awakening them.
  • Discussed: "So, what are the odds I can get nifty powers too?"
  • Conversed: "Troper Heart's opening credits show five magic crystals, and Arisu's only uses one. I bet some of her friends will become magical girls too."

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