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Playing With / Church of Saint Genericus

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Basic Trope: A church is shown, but its denomination is not mentioned or shown.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob attend church, but it's in a generic building with nondescript stained-glass windows and pews. There's a pulpit and a pastor, suggesting some kind of Protestant denomination, but it's never mentioned which one.
  • Exaggerated: Alice and Bob attend a "megachurch," with stadium seats and a center stage, with several screens, lights, etc. If not for the suit-clad man on that stage talking about God, and the Christian Rock band, you'd never know that Alice and Bob were in a church at all.
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob are zooming off in a car for their honeymoon, and the church and pastor are only briefly seen in the rear view mirror as they speed away. However the precise denomination can be determined from a throwaway line that they were married on a Friday in March, and the fact they eat salmon for dinner later shows they are probably Catholic as they are eating fish for Lent.
  • Justified:
    • It's a non-denominational church, or a denominational church that plays down the tradition it's part of for the sake of unity and inclusiveness.
    • It's only on a map. Just the fact that there is a church there is enough for navigational purposes.
  • Inverted: Alice and Bob attend a Mass, church service, or other religious service at a church/synagogue/etc., and they tell you what kind it is, and what sect it is.
  • Subverted: A statue of the Virgin Mary is seen in the church, as are nuns, and a yellow and white Vatican flag, suggesting a Catholic church.
  • Double Subverted:
    • More like Anime Catholicism; the nuns are teenage girls or women in their early 20's (more like Miko than nuns), and the priest is more like a Shinto priest than an actual Catholic priest.
    • Rather than being named after the Virgin Mary or a saint like most Catholic churches are, it's named for the street it's on, or its first priest, or it's simply called First Church of Troperville.
  • Parodied: Interfaith Smoothie
  • Zig Zagged: The denomination of the church seems ambiguous, but context clues point to it being Catholic, only for a later scene to show workers removing the fixtures and bringing in Jewish iconography for a Bar Mitzvah later that day. The church is shared or rented by various religious communities in the area.
  • Averted: Alice and Bob do not attend any religious services In-Universe.
  • Enforced:
    • "We want to show that these characters are Christian, but we don't know what kind to make them and can't be bothered to do research."
    • "We don't want to alienate other types of Christians or be too unfamiliar to non-Christians."
  • Lampshaded:
    Charlie: Hey, what faith even is this church?
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob have highly contentious and very religious families of different faiths, so they arrange to have the wedding venue be decorated in a minimalist, ambiguous enough style and iconography to imply it's the one their respective families are familiar with as a means to defuse conflict.
  • Deconstructed: The generic nature of the church becomes a flash point for conflict as extreme elements in the community refuse to use the same space as "those people", no matter that they worship at separate times.
    • The need for it is a sign that fewer and fewer people hold any faith, leading to the place slowly losing any value save maybe as a wedding venue.
  • Reconstructed: The existence of this shared space is not to avoid controversy, but to foster unity in the community as they grow closer together through marriage and faith, giving everyone a place to come together.
  • Exploited: The vampire Daniel uses the ambiguity of the denomination to loophole away entering holy ground.
    • The ambiguous nature of the church figures into an appeal from one of Bob's former lovers to have the marriage annulled.
  • Defied: A cloud moving out of the way lets the sun shine on signage and iconography that clearly shows the church's denomination. All the ambiguity was due to poor lighting.
  • Discussed: "I know the generic nature is supposed to put people at ease, but it just makes me antsy, like I'm breaking taboos I don't even know about."
  • Conversed: "Why is the church never shown in detail? It's not like the movie will be ruined if we find out Alice and Bob are Reformed Pastafarians."

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