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Playing With / And I'm the Queen of Sheba

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Basic Trope: A character hints their disbelief of another character's seemingly unlikely statement, by sarcastically replying with another equally unlikely statement.

  • Straight: Bob says that one of Alice's friends is a witch, which is true. Alice, a Deadpan Snarker, replies "Oh yeah, and I'm the queen of Sheba."
  • Exaggerated: Alice replies "Oh, and I'm God, the creator of the universe!"
  • Downplayed: Alice replies "Really? Then I'm the founder of Apple!"
  • Justified: Alice uses sarcasm very frequently.
  • Inverted: Bob says that 2 plus 2 is 10. Alice replies "Really? If that's the case, then I'm a witch!", which is true.
  • Subverted: Turns out, Alice really is the queen of Sheba.
  • Double Subverted: But then it's revealed that Alice was lying the whole time.
  • Parodied: Bob turns out to be Sarcasm-Blind and says "Nice to meet you, your majesty."
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice initially sarcastically replies, "Oh yeah, and I'm the queen of Sheba," but later reveals that she actually has a connection to royalty through a distant ancestor.
  • Averted: Alice does not have anything sarcastic to say.
  • Enforced: The creator needs a way to Shout-Out a character from another franchise. This is a great way of doing so.
  • Lampshaded: "You do know you're not of royal stock, right?"
  • Invoked: Alice, knowing that Bob often makes outrageous claims, sarcastically says, "Sure, and I'm the queen of Sheba," as a way to express her skepticism and prompt Bob to reconsider his statement.
  • Exploited: Alice realizes that Bob is highly gullible, so she sarcastically claims to be the queen of Sheba, fully aware that he will believe her and possibly do something favorable for her because of it.
  • Defied: Alice says that she'd rather not make any sarcastic jokes at this time.
  • Discussed: "Alice, if you think I'm lying, you'd probably say you're the queen of Sheba."
  • Conversed: Bob: "You know, I've seen this trope in so many movies and TV shows. The character always sarcastically claims to be someone unbelievable when they don't believe the other person. It's become so predictable." Alice: "Oh yeah, and I'm the queen of Sheba. But seriously, you're right, it's quite overused."
  • Played for Laughs: Alice sarcastically responds, "Oh yeah, and I'm the queen of Sheba! Bow down to your royal highness!" while striking an exaggerated pose, eliciting laughter from those around her.
  • Played for Drama: Alice, feeling frustrated and misunderstood, sarcastically retorts, "Well, I guess I must be the queen of Sheba then," with a tone of bitterness and resentment, emphasizing the emotional tension in the scene.
  • Played for Horror: In a dark and twisted story, Alice responds to Bob's outrageous claim with a chilling smile and says, "If that's true, then I suppose I must be the queen of Sheba," hinting at a sinister revelation about her true nature.
  • Implied: Alice rolls her eyes at Bob's claim, but instead of saying anything, she smirks and raises an eyebrow, implying that she thinks his statement is absurd without explicitly sarcastically responding.
  • Deconstructed: Alice sarcastically claims to be the queen of Sheba in response to Bob's outrageous assertion, but instead of dismissing it as a joke, Bob becomes increasingly convinced that she is indeed the queen. This leads to a series of escalating misunderstandings and consequences as Bob's delusion intensifies.
  • Reconstructed: In a twist on the usual trope, Alice sarcastically declares, "Oh, I must be the queen of Sheba then!" but rather than dismissing it outright, Bob takes it as a challenge and embarks on a journey to prove that Alice is, in fact, royalty. This leads to a comedic and adventurous storyline as Bob's determination leads to unexpected discoveries and comedic mishaps.

- "But it's true! TV Tropes is a hellhole that destroys lives!"
- "Oh really? Pfft, and I'm Elizabeth Báthory!"
