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Nightmare Fuel / The Chronicles of Riddick

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  • Riddick himself. Something about a remorseless killer that can see in the dark and says things like "Don't worry about what I do for you, worry about what I'll do to you" scares people. Not sure why.
  • The Ghost Drones from Dark Athena are arguably this, as well.
  • How about the Necromongers? Join them, and you experience unimaginable amounts of pain as a prelude to becoming their cannon fodder. Resist them, and you'll die in a Curb-Stomp Battle. Escape them, and you'll probably end up as the last of your kind after they genocide your planet.
    • It gets worse. The Lord Marshal's powers (which include Your Soul Is Mine!) strongly suggest that, in this Verse, the Necromongers are absolutely right about the Underverse and what happens to the souls of the dead. Which means that everyone who dies in the Riddick films, no matter how innocent, winds up in a place so abhorrent, yet enthralling, that merely glimpsing it has inspired millions to commit genocide.
  • Dark Fury has Antonia's idea of "art". Get frozen into a living statue, aware of everything that is happening to you as you stand there posed for what may be hundreds of years. Antonia mentions that it can take a full day's effort for her "art" to blink.
  • Riddick gets a chance to show what he is like in battle when the mercs open the doors of the ship and get covered in the foam, all the while he methodically and swiftly kills many of them.
  • Quite a bit of the first movie could be applied here, given the whole "Horde of monsters lurking in the darkness" bit. Stranded on a deserted planet inhabited by swarms of horrific flying nocturnal aliens that can smell your blood and track you by movement, just in time for a solar eclipse. Hope you're not afraid of the dark. Sure, they could be repelled by light, but that only holds out so long... and you can only point lights in so many directions.
    • Even before the monsters showed up, being stranded on a planet with no evident water and no sign of life, save the bones of very large creatures you can't identify, with a bunch of strangers including a known multiple murderer, isn't exactly a holiday.
  • Imagine your only leaders, who your hope for survival depends on, are all untrustworthy and willing to kill you to save themselves at different points. And one of them is a wanted murderer who identifies with the monsters more than you.

     Escape From Butcher Bay 

  • After falling into the Pit, you first have to find a way with only a few minutes of battery left in your torch, and a little later you have another task to do there with just a dozen flares at disposal. All this while natural light sources are almost nil (you don't have the Eyeshine yet), and with constant assaults by small packs of Dwellers - men thrown down there and devolved into a feral state by madness and exposure to toxic waste. The alien beasts you encounter later can be unsettling, but never like that thankfully short level.
  • Heck, a brief moment right before falling into said Pit, when a guard fires upon Riddick with a shotgun and narrowly misses him, he suddenly turns into an audibly seething and instinctual rage that comes just short of screaming before he tackles and splatters the guy from the drop. Even the cool one-liner doesn't detract from seeing Riddick briefly flip the hell out.

Alternative Title(s): The Chronicles Of Riddick 2004
