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Nightmare Fuel / The 3 Little Pigs: The Movie

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No wonder they couldn't sleep.note 

  • The above image comes courtesy of the Disney Acid Sequence-esque literal nightmare shared by Wally & Beemo during their first night in the woods, complete with monsterous trees, skulls, bones, and murderous, warped dream versions of their friends and family. While the animation can be a bit choppy at times, the sudden switch to still images and crazy camera effects give it an unsettling vibe, and the closest thing to music that plays during the scene is an electronic drone more befitting of a horror movie, while ghosts moan and monsters roar and make strange noises.
  • When the butcher makes his way to where the pigs are, the same droning sound can be heard, while he brandishes a knife with a Slasher Smile.
  • When Big Boss and Rublad end up canned, other cans can be seen in the storage/shipping box. It's not made entirely clear if they are empty, just packed with vegetables, or filled with some unfortunate animals that Rublad had caught.
