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Nightmare Fuel / Fritz the Cat

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  • Seeing cute furry cartoon animals having sex, doing drugs and killing each other in cold blood is nothing short of disturbing. And it certainly was for audiences back in 1972.
  • Duke's death by being shot by a stray bullet. Instead of being killed instantly, he dies slowly and painfully, dazed yet devastated in his realization that it really is the end for him. Cut to shots of billiard balls slowly bumping to a motionless state, accompanied by the sound of heart beats slowly coming to a stop, before he falls over dead.
  • The entire riot scene. An all-too-familiar sight in the sixties. But even scarier is how easily it begins. Fritz begins a heated, emotionally-charged speech atop a car in Harlem, urging the crows to rise up and rebel against the system that works them to the bone while living in the lap of luxury. All it takes is a policeman firing off several shots after getting a beer bottle to the eye. Riot police are brought in, Black Panthers start sniping cops from rooftops and eventually the air force is brought in to bomb the protest. note  And Fritz can only watch in horror, utterly helpless to stop the carnage that he created. It's twice as scary to watch nowadays, knowing that 2020s racial tensions and uprisings are arguably even worse.
  • Blue's spaced out look after shooting himself up with heroin.
  • The farmer who is so annoyed by the chickens in his truck that he beats and shoots them to death.
  • Harriet getting sadistically beaten with a chain by her boyfriend simply for wanting to leave the terrorist meeting for a date. Not only is she screaming and crying for them to stop the whole time, but the music score begins to devolve into cacophonous, atonal noise, adding to the scene's visceral horror. Fritz's attempt to stop the carnage gets him knocked out with a hot candle, leaving Harriet to be gang raped by the others. The fact that we don't even see the worst of it, with the scene cutting to a quiet evening outside their hideout a few minutes later, makes it even scarier. Fritz's Thousand-Yard Stare after entering the lizard woman's car says it all.
  • Fritz being duped into suicide bombing the power plant by the Neo-Nazis, who the whole time have been scheming of ways in which they can destroy society as we know it in one fell swoop. The worst part is that there are actual white supremacists out there with this kind of ideology and modus operandi.
