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Nightmare Fuel / Sodor

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While not as prominent as other fan works, Sodor manages to stand out as it’s not afraid to show the darker side of the famous island.

  • One Trick Too Far has the loveable China Clay Twins Bill and Ben get into a argument after playing a trick on Monty and after serving their punishments, they decide to play tricks on each other by switching each other onto different lines. However, Ben doesn’t see where the line he sent Bill on goes to and Bill suffers a nasty crash that nearly kills him. This event kicks off the series by the way.
  • Skarloey and the Ghost has the story of Old Nigel who was a old bossy engine that got scrapped due to a mixup and now lives on as a ghost with the same thing almost happening to Skarloey barring the fact that Arry, Bert and Diesel Ten were trying to scrap Skarloey.
  • Duck and Diesel has Ben forced to pull a train to the smelters yard and where he gets there, Diesel Ten, Arry and Bert are waiting for him. While they don’t hurt him, Ten is very happy to gaslight Ben with how he caused his brother’s crash in a polite manner.

    Arry: Look who’s turned up here.
    Bert: Looks like a rare breed pipsqueak to me. (Both laugh.)
    Ben: (Stammers) Well.. Um.
    Diesel 10: Oh pardon me of course. I should have remembered. If I recall correctly you nearly killed him didn’t you? Silly me.
    Diesel 10: Oh get real everyone knows what you did to poor old Bill. You’re lucky he even survived. Oh what am I saying you practically did kill him. As soon as he comes out of those works he’ll be an entirely different and he’ll never be the same again. And he’ll never forgive you. Not that that’s going to matter. (quietly) Not once you steam engines are gone.
  • The Branch Line Incident has two stand out moments.
    • After the intro, we see Duck being forced to take a scrap train to the smelters yard where Ten, Arry and Bert once again are waiting and unlike the example with Ben, Ten is just barely masking his hatred and anger towards Duck for almost killing Diesel.
    • Later on, Diesel decides to visit the smelters yard to see what his friends are planning and to his horror realizes that they not only caused numerous accidents on Sodor but they plan on having Gordon crash into Percy just to proof that steam engines are in Tens’s words, “Obsolete.”
  • The climax of “Last Chance” has Perry gaslighting Thomas into having Duck crash and blame Diesel for it while Perry threatens to scrap Thomas if he tries to tell anyone about it. Enterprising truly plays the role of Perry well.
