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Nightmare Fuel / My Friendly Neighborhood

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This neighborhood is definitely NOT friendly.
  • The ramblings of the puppets. So many of them just stand around flailing their arms or hitting their heads on walls and doors while spouting what at first sounds like complete nonsense. But then they start talking about getting into violent arguments and stomping each other out.
  • The curtain creature that shows up in the lobby. It just. Shows. Up! There is no build-up to its sudden appearance, there is nothing else like it in the game, and it's never mentioned again once it's defeated. It's just there, it spits and inhales Normans and hand puppets to attack, it wants to kill you, and you just have to deal with it.
  • Pearl the giant bird. It's entirely possible that your first encounter with her will be walking through a door into an alley and being face-to-giant-eyeless-face with her.
    • Her nightmarishness is a little undone by the fact that she's non-hostile, her overall design isn't disturbing, intimidating or even ugly, and once she's been helped, she's perfectly friendly. She's just REALLY BIG.
  • Goblette. This enormous frog... goblin... thing with her huge gaping maw, who is trying to eat you every chance she gets.
  • The final leg of the game. First off, Gordon gets struck by lightning just as he shuts down the antenna and literally falls into the deepest, darkest part of the studio. Welcome to the Unfriendly Neighborhood. The puppets down here are now decayed, the lights are out, and the elevator is on lockdown with the release on the other side of the stage. As Gordon makes his way there, he's suddenly chased by a mob of decayed puppets as if they were a horde of zombies! And the cherry on top? This culminates in a final boss battle with this unholy Frankenstein-like fusion of various puppets that wants nothing more than to flatten Gordon! And we never get any solid answer to what this thing is and how it came to be.
    • What's worse, when Gordon starts fleeing onto the ramp leading to the Amalgam Puppet, the Unfriendly Neighbors stop following him and just stand there. They were herding him into the arena to watch him fight it.
    • Then there's just how the Neighbors got so unfriendly. After the show got cancelled and the studio started shutting down, they decided to see what else is on TV other than their show. And what they saw was so dark, so cynical, so...unfriendly that they went mad and started falling into that state. Whatever they had seen on TV, it had to have been something truly horrible if not the war.
