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Nightmare Fuel / mothy

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For Nightmare Fuel related to Evillious Chronicles go here

  • The song Flames of Yellow Phosphorus on its own is just sad, but the PV is truly disturbing.
  • The ending to Wendy. When she jumped out the window earlier in the song, she died. Her spirit waves goodbye to the mourners before flying away. And it's all sung to an endlessly cheery beat.
  • "G" (the Gackpo character) and "Type-L" (the Len character) in "Screws Gears and Pride". It's implied—and confirmed in the (now defunct) website plot summary—that the former was sent to kill the two Rins for being defective, and he's a much scarier looking robot than the two protagonists. Meanwhile, Type-L is so ambivalent during the song—coupled with him standing near the monster with an ambiguous smirk—as to make him seem evil. It's only the plot summary that clarifies that he's on the Rins' side.
