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Nightmare Fuel / May I Please Enter?

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  • The entire film has a very unsettling atmosphere, in part because there's a lot of nightmarish visuals. Such as:
    • The "weapon", which looks more like a breathing, moving sock, which just lays on the floor. It's never explained, and while the entire film is strange, this "weapon" is the most jarring looking bit.
    • When the cowboy finally uses the doorbell, it retracts and spools out like a long rope on the ground, for a long few seconds. It may just be the lingering camera, lack of music, and sheer surreality of the moment, but damn if it doesn't set the scene for the rest of the film: unnerving, sudden bits of horror that are never explained and never foreshadowed, leaving the audience in a state of fear for what's next.
    • Something about the room where the "other people" sleep is rather ominous and creepy, even if it's just a bunch of people on beds. The fact that Amy and John seem uncomfortable to talk about it, the fact that the shot makes the room perfectly centered as the character's talk, and the fact that we don't know anything about these people, leaves the entire scene feeling uneasy and just wrong, as if it's something we aren't meant to be if something just isn't right.
  • The cowboy's entire demeanor is pretty creepy. Maybe it's his aggressive and threatening body-language, or the fact that he's a character with no true motivation or explanation, or even just the fact that the music seem to shift as his mood and tone shifts...but his character leaves an unsettling feeling that only grows throughout the film. His attitude clearly makes Jon and Amy uncomfortable, and his quick changes from happy to serious and upset can be jarring. He has a superficial charm that only serves to highlight his more demanding and intrusive personality. It's all just a bit too uncomfortable, and this feeling of discomfort and distrust just makes the film all the more nightmarish.
