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Nightmare Fuel / Liv and Maddie

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  • From "Kang-A-Rooney", Pepito the Clown doll, especially at the end of the episode.
  • From "Song-A-Rooney", that ... thing with the teeth in the FroyoYOLO music video.
  • From "Match-A-Rooney," Parker breaking Reggie's leg then ripping out his heart though both are shortly revealed to be fake in order to scare Maddie.
  • Willow's pursuit of Joey, which borders on outright abuse. She chased him with a net for Pete's sake.
  • Parker and Joey’s cannibal clones.
  • The fact that Parker managed to collapse the ENTIRE house due to a faulty tunnel system. It’s scary to see a young boy cause so much damage. Luckily no one was hurt.
  • Fangs. Being a feral child is scary enough, but a feral child being raised by predators (wolves in this case) who could potentially kill you is even worse. It makes you wonder how she’s even alive.
  • Maddie’s knee injury. If you’ve known anyone with a torn meniscus in real life, it’s pretty scary, and they take a long time to heal. If it had been any worse, she would have had to play basketball in a wheelchair.
  • Helga, especially when one of the sisters is replaced with her. She’s not real, but that doesn’t make her any less disturbing. Also, never mess up a Jack-o-lantern in her presence.
