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Nightmare Fuel / From A Knight To A Lady

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  • Though it is tempered by knowing Lucifela (Estelle) knows how to defend herself and quickly realizes something is wrong, her being in the carriage of a serial killer is still unnerving, especially when he nearly manages to throttle her on the ground. Thankfully she is able to stop him and the knights soon arrive to help her.
  • The reveal that Khalid has known for a while that Lucifela was Estelle and used various traps to make Estelle out herself to him, as well as his twisted obsession with her. It's completely understandable that she's left disgusted and horrified as he is excited by her attempts to slit his throat, even forcefully kissing her after her attempt.
    • Things only get worse in the next chapter when Prince Eozif stumbles upon a glass display case holding the skull and hair of Estelle in Khalid's estate. If his obsession with her wasn't demented enough already, this easily ramps up the creep factor.
    • During the hunt, Estelle races into the woods in order to check on Zedekiah after hearing he was injured with an arrow. On the way there, she runs into Khalid, who expresses clear disdain over hearing she came into the woods because of Zed. Then, after she tells him she can't waste anymore time and rides away, he's left standing there, dead silent. As he stays rooted to the spot, a hunting falcon his companions have suddenly starts to freak out, much to the confusion of the two men holding it. Khalid continues to stay quiet, a finger tapping on the hilt of his weapons, before he suddenly kills the falcon with a look of cold fury burning in his eyes.
