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Nightmare Fuel / Cube 2: Hypercube

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • "The first one had rules!" The Alien Geometries make escape even closer to impossible.
  • Hypercube is pure nightmare fuel. Think on it. The hypercube distorts time and space, hours' (years or lifetimes for some) worth of time spent is six minutes in base reality, the overly-large cube they are traveling may just be a singular room shifting and folding in on itself constantly, that room by itself is part of a massive cube's building blocks, implying there are untold trillions of cubes stacked together into another cube construct, "the first one had rules" (implying this one does not) and finally, the final scene. My GOD the final scene; opening the only door left and seeing it opens to utter and complete 'nothingness'.
  • "Hypercube" had a script that the actual director flushed down the toilet, which had this in spades. To iterate: The hypercube consists of eight levels, and you can't go into any room you have previously been in, lest you activate the trap, which means EVERY ROOM IS TRAPPED. You have to go in sequential order. Some scenes, like level five gateway where the entire place lights up and the characters see themselves in different parts of the cube, going into infinity in all directions.... the final level is some abstract space where the shadows of four-dimensional objects are going around, seeking targets to kill by integrating with them and shifting them through dimensions (a character gets caught up in a roaming hypercube, which then becomes just a cube, making the character two-dimensional. It then becomes a square (two dimensions), a line (one dimension) and then nothing) among other things...
  • The traps in the first cube were already nightmarish enough, but there at least if the room was safe, then it was safe. Here? You might spend hours in a seemingly safe room only for something deadly and mind-screwy to appear and rip you to pieces.
