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Nightmare Fuel / Blue Port J: Summer Sky Prelude

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Not even one of the calmest games in Fox Eye's entire library is safe from having its own scary implications.

  • At the start of the game, Honomi finds that Chie has gone diving without her, so she decides to dive in after. She finds that Chie has inexplicably trapped herself in a padlocked cage. To make matters worse, the tide is rising, and soon the cage will be underwater, with Chie still trapped inside. Chie sends Honomi to the train station to find the combination that she etched on the train station schedule, but by the time Honomi returns, Chie is already underwater and struggling to hold her breath. If one watches Chie closely, she will be seen holding her mouth and nose and will even fall limp if Honomi takes too long (this will happen when the timer is roughly halfway depleted, so Honomi still has time to save her). Not only that, but after Honomi has the cage unlocked, she still has to carry Chie through the Veins, an underwater cave. Thanks to the tide, Honomi can't even take Chie up to the surface for a breath until they're both safely back at the cove (granted, the mission automatically ends in success the moment the padlock is opened, so the player needn't worry). If the player is successful, Honomi will state that Chie swallowed a lot of water. She really was that close to losing her life.
  • Kokono's Morton's Fork dream is pretty creepy when you think about. Basically, she's forced to take a quiz underwater where choices are represented by Honomi and Chie. Get any question wrong, the two will disappear to leave poor Kokono to drown. At the end of the quiz, Kokono has to choose which of her two friends she likes more. Both choices end in failure, so the right answer is to Take a Third Option and deliberately let Kokono drown without making a choice. This will lead to Kokono waking from her coma to a full recovery, but imagine what Kokono must have been feeling at that moment, especially when one considers the idea that if you die in a dream, you die in real life. Thank goodness that wasn't true here! It is so far the only time in a Fox Eye game that drowning is an absolute necessity to continue through the game, rather than a significantly common avoidance, intentional or otherwise.
