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Nightmare Fuel / Batman: The Movie

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  • The whole concept of the instant dehydrator. It was designed to be an instant whiskey maker, but then the United Underworld realized that it could be used on humans. There's something inherently creepy about just how cavalier they are in using it — a human being reduced to a pile of dust.
    • Penguin accidentally dooming his human guinea pigs since he unknowingly rehydrated them using heavy water — making their molecular structure highly unstable all it takes is one touch and they vanish. To keep things kid friendly, Batman surmises that they're alive in another universe now, but that's a whole thing in itself.
      • Specifically, Batman says they were reduced to "anti-matter." Depending on one's knowledge of DC lore, it's hard not to think that those human guinea pigs wound up somewhere in the Antimatter Universe, home to the Anti-Monitor.
  • When you take out its ridiculous premise, it's not a pretty thought to have a shark chomp on your leg and won't let go while you're hanging on a ladder above the ocean. Shark-Repellent Bat Spray cannot save you because it doesn't exist in real life.
