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Heartwarming / Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons

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For the Heartwarming page for the Wonder Woman franchise at large, see here.

  • The second issue has a rather touching tribute to George PĂ©rez, who had been announced to have cancer in the time period in between the first and second issues, and the legacy he left on Wonder Woman.
    Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons is dedicated to the incredible George Perez, with gratitude for his essential contributions to the story of Diana
    With love from Kelly Sue DeConnick, Phil Jimenez, Gene Ha, Nicola Scott and the entire creative team.
  • From the third issue, the return of Diana's classic clay origin and being brought to life by the Olympian Goddesses. With Hippolyta racing back from her apparent suicide via drowning when she hears the young infant's cries.
  • Ares, in a Pet the Dog moment, shows his own sort of twisted concern for Hera when he goes to visit her after Zeus violently struck her. Asking why she doesn't just change her form to get rid of the bruises. He also takes the time to give Hera advance notice that Zeus plans on unleashing Hephaestus' more modern crueler weapons onto the Amazons, giving her time to formulate a plan.,
