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Heartwarming / The Amazing Spider-Man (J. Michael Straczynski)

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Many, many between Peter and Mary Jane. One of the best, when Peter and MJ get back together and because she wanted to be a bigger part of his life, Spidey introduces her to Captain America.
    • Cap tops it off with this pearl:
    A word to the wise from someone who's been down this road for a while. The mask is supposed to hide your face. Don't let it hide your heart.
  • The issue where Aunt May reveals she's learned Peter is Spider-Man. What follows is a complete deconstruction of all the excuses writers have given over the years as to why he never told her, and shows exactly how a little old woman could raise one of the greatest heroes in the Marvel Universe. At the end, she gives her blessing, and he puts on his suit and swings off into the night feeling, for the first time, "not confined, but free".
  • The 9/11 issue had most of the superheroes who live in New York teaming up to help at ground zero. And a few supervillains; Magneto lifts some wreckage. Doom cries. After all... Even Evil Has Standards. For some, it was the narration. We don't care how close it came to being overblown; the fact remains that some of the wisest, most sane 9/11 philosophy came from Spidey.
  • In the Spider-Man #500 milestone Uncle Ben is resurrected by Dr. Strange for 5 minutes to tell Peter that he has lived a good life, and that he is happy for Peter.
    • The whole story arc which leads up to the moment is a combination of Awesome and Heartwarming for Spidey. The arc starts with the non-magical heroes accidentally releasing Dormammu, Archenemy of Dr. Strange. The doctor arrives too late to prevent Dormammu's escape and battles him one-on-one ordering the others to stand back. While the others are either too awed by the level of powers involved in the combat or just figure they should stay back and let someone who knows that he is doing to deal with it, Spidey notices Strange weakening and joins the fray despite being way way outside his weight class and knowing it.
    • At first it looks like Spidey's interference made things worse, screwing up the spell Strange was casting and resulting in both Spidey and Strange being flung outside of time and space. Then Strange mentions what the spell he was casting was meant to actually do - knowing there was no other way to stop Dormammu, Strange had used a spell that would destroy both him and Dormammu. Spidey, despite the current disaster he has landed in, declares in that case it was just as well he screwed up the spell - there's no way he's going to let his friend make a Heroic Sacrifice when there is even the slightest chance for Taking a Third Option.
