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Heartwarming / Fury (2014)

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  • Wardaddy trading plates with Emma after Grady licks the egg off her plate.
  • The crew giving Norman his war name - "Machine".
  • The crew sharing a bottle of whiskey while all alone, and Wardaddy quoting scripture with Bible.
  • A subtle one- the aptly nicknamed Coon-Ass casts a leery, bullying, crass and largely unlikable pallor in the first two acts of the movie. But after his conversation with Norman in which he apologises to him and humbles himself by admitting how much more he thinks of Norman than of himself or the others, he never again mistreats him but utterly opposite, he watches his back. Shown neatly, and movingly in these two lines about rushing away from duty but also overwhelming odds, and about surviving the brutally difficult fight to come for as long as possible, unlike his earlier stupid overview of the grease gun:
    Norman, go get your shit. Go get your pack.
    Go ahead and get it ready. Listen, you do not waste one shot. You hear me?
  • A SS soldier sees Norman hiding underneath the tank after everyone has been killed but does not warn his comrades and just moves on, sparing Norman from a horrible fate.
  • Once the SS are gone and he returns to the tank, Norman makes sure to cover Wardaddy's body with his coat in a final show of respect. A long Headbutt of Love from Norman shows how much his now-dead mentor came to mean to him.
