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Headscratchers / Superior

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  • The conclusion of the comic has has some serious problems. Here they are:
    • How come the monkey demon was so insistent on taking Simon's soul? It'd be one thing if Simon was "pure of heart" or exceptionally heroic or otherwise special but he bluntly tells Simon he's not special, merely desperate. So what stopped him from just giving up on Simon and just taking Sharpie's soul, Madeline's soul (who even has cancer so presumably she doesn't have that much time left), Simon's mother's soul (take advantage of her desperation to get her child back), or even some complete stranger's soul. There should be no shortage of selfish, malicious, or desperate men to cut deals with.
      • Ormon specifies that getting souls by making deals with humans used to be pretty trivial but people eventually wised up and that line of business has become a lot tougher. Also, bear in mind that Ormon is in the lowest rung of hell and even within that lowly position he is clearly pretty terrible as his job. Yes, he is channeling hell's massive reality-altering powers but that doesn't make him any smarter nor a better negotiator, and for all we know he's been trying again and again with those types you described and every time he failed.
    • Superior being immortal and/or indestructible is framed as some way out of the deal. Except Ormon's Exact Words were that Simon's sells his soul for superpowers. He didn't say he'd only claim it at Simon's death, indeed his words make it sound like that Hell already claimed the soul regardless of Simon's health even if it wasn't just magically teleported away into Hell. Frankly, following the Exact Words of their deal should mean either that the trick Simon accidentally pulled should have benefited Ormon (since the terms of their contract would mean he'd have all the time he wants on Earth since the soul would still be Hell's property) or Simon would be damned anyway.
      • Yes, hell owns his soul but has no realistic way to ever claim it, since it is pretty clear that the soul is not released until the person is dead (else Ormon would not be in such troubles by the end of the comic). Basically, you have a boss that sent you to find and buy a property, you return saying you paid for it and give him the deed... and the document has a clause saying that ownership of the property can only be claimed the day after the heat death of the universe occurs. Do you think your boss would not be a bit pissed off by that? And bear in mind, Ormon's boss certainly isn't the kindest and most patient employer in history.
