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Headscratchers / Return to Never Land

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  • How does Captain Hook mistake Jane for Wendy if they look nothing alike? Even Jane's hair is lighter than Wendy's.
    • It was dark when he kidnapped Jane.
    • “Look nothing alike”? They look very much alike. Same face shape, same facial features. The hairstyle is just about the only difference.
  • How is possible that there is no one in London's streets to see that there is a huge pirate ship flying above the buildings in the middle of a Luftwaffe attack? Even if the pilots of the planes didn't see the ship, which is very unlikely, the ship's anchor broke part of the street's pavement, crashed a military truck and broke a chimney. No one even asked how all that collateral destruction happened? And why didn't the Royal Air Force send any fighters up after it?
    • The Luftwaffe was there to bomb London, and the RAF was busy trying to stop them from bombing London. They were pretty busy. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall back at either German or British headquarters when the pilots starting radioing back about having to dodge a flying pirate ship, though.
    • My assumption was always that both sides assumed it was a blimp or something. It doesn’t make much sense for one to have been there, but it’s still more sensible than a flying pirate ship.
  • Why do the Jolly Roger's crew inexplicably cheer for Captain Hook if the original film specifically featured them as hating their captain?
    • Inexplicably? They start cheering for him after watching him conk Smee on the head. And didn’t the original movie show that he’s often liable to shoot them dead on a whim?
  • When Tinkerbell brings the Octopus so he can try to devour Hook, why don't the pirates take the opportunity to shoot the beast dead with their guns? Had they done exactly that, Hook would have possibly not lost the Jolly Roger at the film's ending.
    • They aren’t very smart, and/or they wanted to avoid drawing the beast’s attention to them. The thing was huge, strong, and had eight arms; the last thing they would want to do is make it angry.
  • If Captain Hook learned in the original film that Peter Pan's hideout was the Hangman's Tree, then why haven't Peter and the Lost Boys moved to another hideout since then?
    • Considering Hook has to have his men go searching the island for the hideout, with Smee complaining about how many times they’ve looked already, it stands to reason that either they did move to a new hideout (that looks identical to the original) or Hook just forgot about it in between movies. Continuity and the passage of time can be a bit fuzzy in Neverland, so the latter is technically a possibility.
  • If the Lost Boys aren't very good at listening to stories, then why did Peter even bother to bring Wendy and Jane to Never Land so they could tell the Lost Boys stories?
    • Just because they could be better at listening to them doesn’t mean they don’t want to hear them.
  • How was Jane planning to leave Neverland by using the raft she built? Never Land is on the Second Star to the Right. There's no waterfall that guides back to London.
    • Besides the fact that she was in a sack for the entire trip to Neverland, she’s practical-minded enough to think that it might work, and it’s the only option she has without knowing how to fly.
  • When Jane bargains with Hook to bring her back home if she finds his treasure, she specifically asks him to spare Peter and Hook agrees (of course, he was lying, but Jane didn't know that at the moment). However, why doesn't Jane also ask Hook to spare the Lost Boys? Does this mean that she has no problem seeing the Lost Boys killed as long Peter isn't killed?
    • Hook doesn’t really hate the Lost Boys nearly as much, since they weren’t the ones who fed his hand to the crocodile; Peter was. In the previous film, Hook tried to blow up Peter, but decided to conscript the Lost Boys into his crew rather than kill them.
    • Also, considering how agreeable Hook was about not harming Peter, even likening their whole rivalry to a game, as I recall, she wouldn’t think there was any reason to also include the Lost Boys. If he had been more reluctant about her stipulation, she probably would have thrown them in too, to be safe.
  • How did Peter forgive Jane so quickly? She shattered his trust and nearly killed Tinker Bell. You'd think that would be a bigger deal for him, especially given how angry he was when Jane's deception was revealed.
    • It’s not like she intentionally killed Tinker Bell. She just got really angry over the Lost Boys’ antics, and blurted that she doesn’t believe in fairies when Tink got in her face. It’s been a while since she paid any heed to Peter Pan stories, so she’d probably forgotten the detail about a fairy dying when someone says that. As for Peter forgiving the deception she pulled, Tootles was the one who alerted the pirates when he blew the whistle, and Hook wasn’t subtle about having lied to Jane to get her to help him. Along with the fact that Jane ended up fixing the mistakes she’d made, reviving Tinker Bell and saving Peter and the boys, and that Peter is also a childish anti-hero who’s done even worse things before… Yeah, it’s not that strange that he wouldn’t hold a grudge.
