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Headscratchers / Crusade

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    Who do you serve and who do you trust? 

  • Has there ever been any clarification over what that phrase is about? Could it be a driving question similar to the Vorlon's asking "Who are you?" and the Shadows asking "What do you want?", but it's Galen forming one for humans?
    • This was most likely in reference to the main plotline that was to be the bulk of the series, where Earth Gov is discovered to be reverse-engineering shadow technology, and the Excalibur turns renegade. In this plotline, it is also revealed that the techno-mages got their technology from shadow tech, providing a second possible interpretation for the line.
    • IIRC, JMS stated that it's the Techno-Mage question, like "Who are you?" and "What do you want?"

    What WAS the five year plan?  

  • Tasks me, and I didn't have the cash for the scriptbook. (Missed out on "But in purple I'm stunning" too...)
  • JMS stated that the plague would have been cured about halfway through the second season, and the main plotline would have focused on corruption in EarthGov. Specifically, shadow elements of the government messing around with Shadow technology. The flashbacks to Gideon being left behind in space were supposed to be foreshadowing to that.
