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Funny / Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

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  • Lines from the Gatherers' monologue in Savi's Workshop (which can have various improvised versions):
    • "The hilt channels the power of the kyber crystal, and also prevents your fingers from being disintegrated."
    • (if you choose an Old Republic-style Protection and Defense hilt) "These are ancient runes. Do you know what they mean?... Neither do I. I was hoping you could tell me."
    • "As you can see from the holes in the ceiling, we've had a few accidents, but we've got plenty of candles to put in there."
    • "You hold in your hands remarkable power, and remarkable power should not be dropped on the ground."
  • These stormtroopers confronting a young and possible Jedi...
  • On Rise of the Resistance, the First Order can veer on The Comically Serious.
    Guest: You're intimidating.
    Officer: (staring ahead blankly) Thank you.
    • And since for obvious reasons they can't confiscate lightsabers from anyone who brings one to their ship, they will take the chance to roast the heck out of it.
    Guest: This is just scrap metal.
    Officer: That's what it looks like.
  • R2-D2 runs from the First Order.
  • "Join the First Order, we have cookies."
  • Don't flaunt your lightsaber in front of the Stormtroopers. They can't take them away, but they can humiliate you.
  • Two Stormtroopers have a tense standoff against an Ewok.
  • Generally, any interaction with the cast members can turn into a silly exchange reminiscent of multiplayer games where non-chat players just spam preset dialogue lines, courtesy of being limited to Welcome to Corneria lines.
  • Din Djarin the Mandalorian has a special message for guests who try to call his foundling, "Baby Yoda".
    Din: No. Hmmph. His name is Grogu.
    Guest: Oh, Grogu.
    Din: Correct.
  • He also has a line for parents of kids dressed like Grogu:
    Din: How do you get yours to spit out a half-swallowed frog? Trust me, you want to be prepared.
  • After the climax of Galactic Starcruiser, Sammie the mechanic is still wearing the armor he stole from the stormtrooper who was supposed to arrest him:
    Sammie: Oh, Captain, there's one last thing. Can I keep the suit?
    Captain Keevan: May it bring you joy.
    Sammie: That's good, 'cause I don't know how to get it off.
  • If you admitted to D3-O9 that you're on board to support the First Order, she was left not knowing what to think.
    D3-O9: I see... That's a choice.
