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When WarioWare meets Sonic Team...

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    The Rub Rabbits! 
  • The Japanese title of this game is called 'Where do Babies Come From?' Imagine the hero's child asking this question and the hero answers by telling the whole story of the game.
  • If your game system has low charge, "The Rub Rabbits!" sign in the top screen has fallen over, having been unplugged. Both screens appear duller, too. Rubbing in this is the "low charge" icon.
  • If you beat a minigame with some failures, the hero does a dance, trips, yet rebalances himself. If you lose a minigame, a bucket falls over the hero.
  • The opening scene has the hero suddenly notice a girl. He then comically falls in love with her... literally. His friends also end up falling in love with her in succession.
    "Man, what a fox! I've gotta get her to notice me!"
  • In "Reverse", the hero runs up the down escalator then dodges gentlemen and sumo wrestlers just because he wanted to meet the girl.
  • In "Blowgun", the hero uses a blowgun against his rivals parachuting over the girl.
  • In "Disc", the hero has to throw a love disc at the girl in Breakout fashion.
  • In "Eyes", the hero tries to give the girl a Come Hither look... but his rivals surround the girl, who does not seem bothered.
  • In "Roshambo", the hero and his rivals settle everything over an overblown game of Rock–Paper–Scissors. The losers blast off.
  • In "Camera", the hero unicycles over railings that connect two buildings. If you take too long but still manage to cross just in time, the hero does a diving leap and just barely manages to get in a camera shot.
  • In "Stampede" and "Fight", the hero uses a blowgun at lots of robo bulls.
  • In one level of "Dinner", the final food is a table-length sandwhich... which the hero eats in one bite.
  • At the end of "Lovebomber", the genius girl tries to dive at the hero, yet fails epically if you dodge.
  • The genius girl gets a couple of Break Times that are parodies of normal Break Times.
    • A Break Time has the genius girl sample her cooking... before immediately trowing up on the sink.
    • A Break time has the genius girl try to have some birds perch over her... but the bird retaliates, instead.
  • How do you fight the crab in "Crab"? You shake trees and dump the hero's rivals on the crab!
  • In "Stealth", the hero knocks out his panicking friends before burying them in snow, having them evade a bear.
  • In "Rolling", the hero accidentally traps his girlfriend in a giant, rolling snowball. He frees her by crashing the snowball with a giant, rolling snowball of his own. A similar scenario happens in "Chase".
  • In "Sled", the hero uses a rose in motivating his friends in pulling a toboggan. If you go fast enough, the music not only speeds up, but the friends get literally fired up, being able to knock away bears.
  • "Kick" has the genius girl throw 99 love potions at the hero.
  • "Fire" has the hero use a blowtorch when fighting against a lot of robots.
  • The final scene has the Official Couple do a cheery, romantic dance, then become fireworks. The couple then make a constellation... in the form of a fœtus. Now you know where babies come from.
