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Awesome / Feel the Magic

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These games show just how far The Power of Love can take someone... even if those claims sometimes only happen in a Widget Series.

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    The Rub Rabbits! 
  • How does the hero react to being rejected? He takes pains in proving that he is worthy of his affections, from playing the piano to rescuing her with a blowgun from parachuting rivals.
  • In "Roshambo", the hero and his rivals decide who gets the girl through a Crazy Awesome game of Rock–Paper–Scissors, which somehow has explosive effects.
  • Soon after the two hook up, the hero rescues his girlfriend from a stampede of robot bulls in "Stampede". The same happens much later in "Fight".
  • After the genius girl spends two scenes trying to force the now Bound and Gagged hero to love her, the hero (in "Lovebomber") manages to dodge a lot of shots from her love cannons by rolling on the floor. After that scene, the hero manages to break free from his restraints.
  • In "Dip", he manages to lure piranhas and electric eels away from his girlfriend by simply luring them away with his finger.
  • In "Leaves", they manages to make a dress full of leaves.
  • In "Dive", the hero dodges piranhas and bombs and rescue his girlfriend in one piece from a clam that bound her underwater.
  • In "Crab", the hero manages to destroy a robot crab by shaking his former rivals off trees and onto the crab.
  • In "Stealth", the hero buries his friends in snow, having them evade a ferocious bear.
  • In "Slap", sleeping in a freezing environment would be fatal. The hero therefore manages to slap everyone awake all night.
  • In "Sled", the hero manages to motivate his friends into running a toboggan that can crash away bears... the same bears that gave them fear some scenes ago.
  • In "Bear", the hero manages to defeat a robot bear by throwing lots of snowballs.
  • In "Kick", the hero, while Bound and Gagged (again), still manages to kick away 99 love potions. The then breaks out of his restraints again.
  • In "Fire", the hero manages to burn away a lot of robots by blowing on a blowtorch.
  • In "Wish", after the petals of the Legendary Rose fall into a bed of red rose petals, the hero and all of his friends manage to find them.
  • In "Hope", just while the poison is (apparently) killing the girlfriend, the hero manages to give her a potion made from the Legendary Rose, fill his mouth with the potion, and kiss the potion into his girlfriend.
  • Really, the mission to get the Legendary Rose into the mountains is itself one Crowning Moment Of Awesome.
  • In "Bird", the hero and his girlfriend weaponize a Twirl of Love, making a whirlwind that destroys a robot hawk.
  • Let us pay the genius girl her due: even if she was the villain, she did manage to make tons of robots of varied functionalities, tons of love potions (and even cannons), a computer virus, a lot of food, a radar that tracks the hero, and even a robot replica of the hero himself!
