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Tear Jerker / Feel the Magic

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I did say that I Would Die For You...

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    The Rub Rabbits! 
  • After "Reverse", the hero outright proposes to the girl. She turns down the hero while his friends laugh at him. Even the rose looks sad. Thankfully, he gets better.
  • After "Virus", the genius girl outright kidnaps the hero, who just helped his girlfriend with a computer virus. Later, the girlfriend reveals that she was captured, herself.
  • After "Crab", the genius girl shoots a poison at the girlfriend, which erases her memories with the hero. The antidote is made from the Legendary Rose, which is high up in the mountains, which includes savage bears and fatal drops of temperature. The girlfriend's parents learn of the mission, too.
  • In "Hope", the game implies that the poison is fatal. The hero has to give the antidote carefully, or her girlfriend would apparently choke on the antidote.
