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Funny / Batman: The Black Mirror

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  • When Dick is first talking to Jim Gordon in the newly built crime lab, he tries to make small talk but falls a bit flat.
    Dick: Call me Dick, please. You drove me to my high school prom.
    Jim: Actually, I drove my daughter to her high school prom. You just happened to be in the car.
  • Tim shows Dick-as-Batman the latest invention by Lucius Fox, a mask that sculpts holographic into the face of the person you're impersonating. When Tim asks if this means they're retiring "the old wig and beard truck," Dick (in full Batman gear) can merely quip, "Blasphemy, Mr. Drake. Blasphemy."
  • Although he's understandably thrown after being told that a suspect in his latest case is Tony Zucco's daughter, Dick still manages to get a joke in.
    Dick: What do we know about the mom? (under his breath) Other than that she was blind, obviously...
  • After Batman accidentally accuses Sofia Branch (daughter of Tony Zucco) of foul play while she's right behind him, we get this exchange between Dick and Tim via Batboat radio:
    Tim: Let me get this straight... you said "rotten apple" and she was right behind you?
    Batman: I apologized... sort of...
    Tim: Hang on, I'm tapping into GCPD roof security cam... HA! Your face. That is a Bat-Meme if I've ever seen one. And wow. Ms. Branch is beguilingly attractive. Why is that? Why are there no average mobsters' daughters?
    Batman: She's not exactly your standard mobster's daughter. She's made a pretty herculean effort to distance herself from her father.
    Tim: Oh, come on. Tell me you're not into her. She's the daughter of Tony "Fats" Zucco.
    Batman: I'm not into her.
    Tim: And that sounded convincing.
    Batman: Red Robin? Oh no, you're breaking up.
    Tim: Batman, you're on a 5G. I can't break up.
    Batman: Red Robin?
    Tim: It's scientifically impossible for our connection to— [Batman manually shuts off the radio]
