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Nightmare Fuel / Batman: The Black Mirror

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To be expected from Scott Snyder.

  • Mirror House is a Religion of Evil where the rich of Gotham celebrate Gotham's evil by bargaining over little trinkets of super-villains— like the crowbar the Joker used to bash Jason Todd's head in. Everyone wears creepy gas masks as the entire room is filled with a potent version of Scarecrow fear toxin. And God forbid if the Dealer opted not to customize your mask to keep it out. And if you're revealed as an outsider, the crowd will literally rip you to shreds.
  • After being exposed to the fear gas, Dick has the lovely hallucination of waking up to find the crowd ate his legs and then Barbara attacks him with a knife in her teeth, threatening to eat the rest of him.
  • The Joker barely makes a cameo but makes it worth his while. He ingests so much Joker toxin mixed with alcohol, he can excrete it through his pores. When he tricks a doctor into touching him, the toxin drives the doctor so mad he becomes a laughing maniac and kills everyone in the room. The aftermath of his carnage will keep you up at night.
  • James Jr was custom-designed to be this. He looks more or less harmless but he's pure psycho killer. The worst part is that he knows his psychosis is a medical deficiency but has convinced himself that it makes him superior to everyone else. His entire plot of poisoning baby formula with his tainted meds to usher a whole generation of psychopaths like himself drips with paranoia fuel.
  • The very real possibility that James Jr. actually succeeded in tainting the baby formulas to create a new generation of psychopaths. Dick says it's unlikely, but the last shot of the story shows an infant with a cold, vacant expression. Thank the Presence the timeline got rebooted afterwards.
