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Funny / Alice in Wonderland (1985)

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Admittedly, many of these funny moments appear in the books verbatim, but in the film, extra hilarity is added by the delivery of the lines, and general Narm.

  • When the Mock Turtle is telling Alice about his teacher when he was young, he says his name was Tortoise. When Alice asks why they called him Tortoise, he replies "We called him Tortoise because he taught us!" Ringo Starr's accent makes the word "tortoise" and "taught us" sound exactly the same.
  • The Dormouse and March Hare's additions to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat"
    Dormouse: Twinkle twinkle little skunk, how I wonder if you're drunk." *passes out*
    March Hare: Twinkle Twinkle little do look strange without your pants.
  • The Duchess and her pepper-obsessed cook are amusing in every scene they appear in, although the Duchess' rough treatment of her baby Crosses the Line Twice.
    Alice: You see, the Earth takes 24 hours to turn on its axis.
    The Duchess: Speaking of axes, chop off her nose.
    [The cook takes out a plate, and then throws it at the wall.]
  • Later at the trial held by the Queen of Hearts, the cook and the Dormouse get in a large argument over whether treacle or pepper are superior, causing a big scene that leads to them being escorted out.
  • Carol Channing as the White Queen is a hilarious Large Ham and steals every scene she appears in. Her bizarre transformation into a sheep of course will either leave you cracking up or scratching your head in confusion.
  • Alice's comeback to the goat while riding a train in Looking-Glass world.
    Conductor: Young lady, didn't you know it's against the law to stop the train, unless it's an emergency?
    Alice: It was, the train was running away!
    The Gentleman in Paper Suit: Oh yeah? What was it running away from?
    Alice: That's a silly question.
    Goat: Well you're just a silly girl.
    Alice: And you're just a silly Billy...goat.
    [Everyone else in the room laughs]
