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Fridge / Star Trek: Picard S3E08 "Surrender"

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  • While Deanna's obviously overjoyed to reunite with a resurrected Data, her emotional reaction also takes on additional resonance/context when you remember the climax of Nemesis. Deanna was one of only three members of the Enterprise command crew (alongside Picard and Geordi) who actually witnessed Data's death when the Scimitar blew. Riker was still making his way back to Bridge from the fight with the Viceroy (and arrived seconds too late), Worf was still below-decks leading the security response to the Reman boarding party, and Beverley was treating their casualities in Sickbay. So while they all mourned Data's death, it was most personal for the trio who actually had to watch him die in real-time. Seeing Data again, just as with her and Will's marriage, allows Deanna to finally start healing those emotional scars.
  • Data and Lore's Fusion Dance actually creates a more "complete" character than either of them alone were by themselves. The resulting android that woke up had the best qualities of both characters, combining Data's curiosity, loyalty, and humanity with Lore's ambition and (somewhat dark) humor. (Essentially, combining Data's superego with Lore's id to create a fully-realized ego.) The embrace of the two characters at the end gets compared to a classic episode where good!Kirk and evil!Kirk are recombined in the transporter because neither can exist apart from the other.
  • Vadic's Blofeld Ploy actually has a particularly sinister reason for happening, because Lt. T'Veen is the only bridge officer besides Seven and Shaw that was old enough to avoid being assimilated by the Borg signal.
  • This isn't the first time Data was in a contest or competition of some kind where he "altered the premise" for participating.
