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Fridge / Fresh Off the Boat

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Fridge Brilliance

  • In the episode "Persistent Romeo" when Jessica goes into Eddie's room and shoves the giant Hello Kitty doll on him, screaming, "Do you like this, NO!" And her justification is to teach Eddie not to Date Rape. While most viewers are supposed to think that Jessica was wrong and out of line, one has to wonder if she was. In the previous episode "The Shunning" Eddie tries treating his neighbor like a music video girl, and when she agrees to hug him, he grabs her butt. And in that very same episode he tries to get his neighbor's teenage daughter to wash a car seductively. All this when he is only 11. Looking at it that way, Jessica was probably right in treating Eddie like she did.
  • Some of the more surreal aspects of his family in the show (Emery's ridiculous success with girls, his mother's omniscience about croutons, Nicole's dance when she enters the yard) indicate that this is an Unreliable Narrator, which makes sense given Eddie is narrating as an adult.
