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Fridge / DuckTales (2017) S3 E5 "Louie's Eleven!"

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Fridge Brilliance

  • José and Panchito are not as concerned as Donald is about how their band attains fame. In their debut, they all but admitted they don't have as much going on in their lives compared to Donald.
  • When Daisy sees Donald being thrown away by Falcon Graves, she reacts with physical violence. When Donald sees Daisy being blamed by Glamour over the party going sideways he reacts with verbal violence. In most other comics and media, it's the other way around.
  • It would have made more sense for Louie to make Gizmoduck the enforcer in his plan instead of Manny, and Graves's scheme would've been foiled quickly. However, Gizmoduck was likely on night patrol during the time when the party was going on, and if he were say, stopping a crime that was too far away from the museum, he wouldn't have made it in time if Louie radioed him. He may also have not wanted to take part in a scheme to con a band into a party.
  • There’s a bit of foreshadowing Falcon Graves is working against Emma; as he’s checking invitations, he’s using what appears to be a UV light, and he would’ve found out that Louie’s invitation is forged. But, since he has a job to complete for his secret employer, he’s not paid to care about that. The only reason he wouldn’t let interlopers in without invitations is because it would look too suspicious.
  • If Emma Glamour was very particular about her IT list, and knew people were going to try some big scheme to get on her list, why didn’t she run a background check on Falcon Graves beforehand? It is because she has a clear case of tunnel vision that prevents her from assuming anyone she hires isn’t going to scheme against her.
  • This version of Daisy is much nicer than in most adaptations. This makes perfect sense when you take into account that the same is true for Donald.
  • Why does Donald grumble his plan in front of Daisy while trying to steal her stage pass? Because he fully expected her not to understand him like most people.
  • For some reason, Daisy's not that furious with Donald for trying to steal her stage pass and trapping her in an elevator to have his big break. This is because, as Glamour reveals to Louie and as we saw from Percival P. Peppington's failed attempt at weaseling his way into the gala, people attempt to crash the party with elaborate schemes to get themselves on the IT List every year. If this is the case, this scenario is nothing new to Daisy, regardless of her annoyance about it.
  • Why are Donald, Panchito and Jose trying to get the band back together now, when "The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!" made it clear that Donald long since gave up his dreams to focus his efforts on raising the triplets? This is because now that Della has returned and can be a parent for her kids, Donald has more spare time to pursue his own dreams and interests.
    • Alternatively, it could be that in addition to pursuing his dreams, Donald wants to support his family. After all, Donald has been trying to find a job since the first episode. It's highly unlikely the Three Caballeros would make it to stardom and be signed to a record label (which would unfortunately see Donald being on tour and travelling a lot), but the most they would be able to get are private events, festivals, and house concerts, and those would pay decent money, provided Donald is not the lead singer of course.
  • When Daisy kicks and breaks a vase after her Angrish rant, Donald visibly reacts, but he's not quite wincing. Given that he has similar outbursts and the universe uses him as a chew toy, he was likely empathizing with her. This may have contributed to his bond with her later; they are two literal Birds of a Feather that the universe just loves to inconvenience at a moment's notice.
  • Donald meeting Daisy for the first time here instead of knowing and dating her from the get go makes a lot more sense here given the sort of issues he puts up with in the series.
    • His infamously short fuse, perpetual bad luck, and hard-to-understand voice make him chronically unemployed and unemployable, so he wouldn't be able to support the cost and time of their dates if he and Daisy were already dating.
    • With the disappearance of his sister before the start of the series, he would've considered raising Huey, Dewey, and Louie his top priority and trying to pursue a romantic relationship a distraction from that goal.
    • Given how money-driven their relationship is in mainstream Disney media, her dating Donald while being aware of his relationship to Scrooge McDuck would have reduced her to a Gold Digger.
  • Donald condemns Emma Glamour for her poor treatment of Daisy after saving the party, which ends with him yelling at her to sit down, like how he'd treat kids who misbehave. But, knowing Donald he'd NEVER would use that tone of voice on anyone older than him, especially not his Uncle Scrooge. The thing is, Scrooge is a competent old man who understands responsibility, so even during their fallouts, Donald will respect his judgment or argue with him like a proper adult. Emma on the other hand, is an adult who should know better, and Donald sees who she truly is inside - a petty child if she didn't have her fame and status, and is thus unworthy of any respect.
    • It also says a lot about how Donald disciplines his nephews, and that Donald didn't mess around when it comes to how they should treat others. Emma's disrespectful behavior was likely not too far off from how his nephews could have behaved when they were younger, so Donald was quick to recognize such behavior and knew how to deal with it.
  • Of course Mark Beaks would never make his mom's IT List—he steals ideas and improvises on them to avoid getting sued, so his mother is aware of how unoriginal he is.
    • Alternately, it's the other way around and she's why Mark's modus operandi is copying others. After all, if his mother shot down his creative ideas as a child, especially if she would compared them to what everyone else had in her job, then of course Mark would be deincentivized to be creative on itself. Combine this with how his mother made her name through her critique and social network, then it paints the picture that Mark is just applying the same sort of techniques his mother used to make he fame.
  • Why didn't Louie include Della in the heist in any way, despite the plan involving her brother Donald? Because in "Timephoon!", she specifically forbade him to do any more schemes, so he doesn't want her to learn about it.
    • Not necessarily. "GlomTales!" ended with them arriving at an understanding that not all schemes are bad, and it's okay for Louie to do them as long as he doesn't put any of his loved ones in danger helps others. In this case, it's to help Donald have a music career. But, there are other reasons Della would dissuade Louie from doing this; she would find this scheme laughable because it looks like something straight out of a movie, and she's seen enough movies in her lifetime to know how it would go. Also, Della is the kind of person who would consider Glamour and everyone in that party a bunch of prisses and posers, and she wouldn't understand why anyone would want to kiss up to those kinds of people.
  • Aside from obviously wanting to avoid incurring the wrath of two temperamental ducks she had just seen take down the bird she had employed to be the bouncer at her party, Emma has good reason not to hold Daisy accountable for the gala going south; assuming she values the public's opinion of her the same way her son does, she probably doesn't want to risk catching any bad publicity from her party guests for being such an ingrate to the ducks who helped save all of their lives.

Fridge Horror

  • Emma Glamour shows zero hesitation in breaking Louie despite him just being a child. This paints an uncomfortable picture of what kind of mother she was to Mark Beaks. This explains so much regarding his behaviour.
    • Also in "The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!" we know that Mark's dad was all about sports ("Who's the loser now, Coach Dad?") so Mark probably had pressure and emotional abuse from both parents.
  • Jane quitting Funso's would be a great idea given the dark secret lying underneath it.
  • Emma Glamour is shown dressed in peacock feathers. In a world of anthropomorphic birds, wouldn't that amount to cultural appropriation?
    • This assumes the feathers even have cultural significance. Judging from the episode with Donald molting from stress, their feathers are regarded much as we regard hair, i.e. just a covering our bodies grow. Selling and buying excess feathers may be no different from how humans often did the same to get hair for dolls or wigs prior to synthetic versions getting cheaper.
