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Drinking Game / MacVenture

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Take all the seltzer and potions you need for this one.

  • When you die a grisly death, take a sip. Double it if:
    • It's not that painful.
    • It's not a death to begin with.
    • It happens due to running out of time.
    • It's Yet Another Stupid Death.
  • Take a shot whenever you encounter a potentially deadly creature/passerby.
  • Every time you cast a spell/drive to another area, take a shot.
  • Down the entirety of your drink upon winning.

Déjà Vu (1985) only

  • Take a shot every time you restore a memory.
  • Take a shot whenever Stogie catches you in the sequel.

Shadowgate only

  • Take a sip every time you replace a torch. Take two if you waited until the nerve-inducing tune that indicates it's running out starts playing.
