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Deconstructed Character Archetype / Sasha and the Frogs

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Sasha and the Frogs

Deconstructed Character Archetype in this series.

Sasha Waybright

  • She deconstructs the Manipulative Bastard. The story makes it clear that while Sasha could get away easily by using her manipulative nature, the citizens of Wartwood are much smarter than they seem to be & double down their treatment of her everytime she tries to stretch the truth or lie. Additionally, karma does catch up to Sasha in an alarming degree where she suffers a lot of repercussions with being in danger or getting the entire Plantars family in danger herself which caused her eventual Persona Non Grata. Lastly, for manipulating Anne during her birthday caused her former best friend to go after her blood if they were ever reunited even if Sasha has changed for the better.
  • Probably the biggest example is of the Toxic Friend Influence. Her Toxic behavior not only got herself, Anne and Marcy separated, it also landed them in a different world populated by Frog Men. Also the guilt of her actions begin to slowly eat away at her as shown in Chapter 3 and is also responsible for damaging her friendship with Anne as shown in Chapter 15. Long story short, her toxic behavior affects not only herself negatively but also affects her closest friends.

Anne Boonchuy

  • She deconstructs the Extreme Doormat and Beware the Nice Ones. While it's true that Anne is a good person at heart, she still would respond with negative repercussions. From Sasha's perspective, Anne would willingly do whatever she wants using her manipulation. However, Anne isn't like her cartoon counterpart as she quickly catches on what Sasha has done to her which triggers the long, dormant anger that she has been harboring for years. After Anne's Grew a Spine, she's nothing short of hellbent on proving she doesn't need Sasha, using her powers' catastrophic potential in her duel against Sasha without sufficient regard for the potential to cause grievous bodily harm to her friend.
  • Also of the Nice Girl. Anne is a kind and innocent girl at heart, however such types of sentiments do not blend well to the harsh and dangerous environment of Toad Tower. Eventually the environment and her circumstances will cause her to be a more hardened individual at the expense of her kind nature.


  • The Wartwood citizens deconstructs the Apathetic Citizens. The citizens of Wartwood, unlike the traditional type of citizens who don't give a damn about what is happening around them, are much smarter than they seem to be here than in the original cartoon as evident where they won't let Sasha's actions slide that easily since they all well aware how dangerous she is compared to Anne, who won their trust gradually for being herself. It is more evident where they even take a step further to pull a Persona Non Grata on Sasha for doing an Honest John's Dealership against them since they all take their jobs as sellers and producers seriously with utmost care.
