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Characters / Magical Magiball

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Magical Magiball

Voice: Alex Zandevor
The titular protagonist, an eccentric magician who just so happens to be a ball.


Voice: None.
Magical Magiball's robotic best friend, who joins him on his misadventures.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Best friends with Magical Magiball since episode 3, though multiple signs may point to them going way back.
  • Jerkass: Downplayed, since he's not really a jerk per se. But when he's angry or annoyed with Magical Magiball, he tends to be a little rude and sarcastic.
  • Nice Guy: He's supportive and calm towards Magical Magiball, and tries to help him become a better person.
  • Robot Buddy: Roberto is obviously this, since he is Magical Magiball's best friend.

Red Shirt Guy

Voice: Alex Zandevor
A citizen in Magical Magiball's world, and a friend of Magical Magiball.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": He is a guy who wears a red shirt. What's his name? Red Shirt Guy.
  • Butt-Monkey: In the first episode, where he is offered a cookie by the protagonist, and is prompted to say the magic word. When he fails, Magical Magiball makes the cookie fly away, and RSG remarks that he's been ripped off.
  • Nice Guy: He eventually warms up to Magical Magiball after being sold a donut by him.

Blue Shirt Guy

Voice: Alex Zandevor
Red Shirt Guy's distant cousin.

Conjuring Conjure-Cube

Voice: Alex Zandevor
A wizard cube who attempts to imitate Magical Magiball, albeit poorly.
