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Characters / Guns of Icarus Online

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Anglean Republic

Unlock the past, ensure the future.

Located in the far north, the Anglean Republic are resourceful, unforgiving, and ferocious. The remains of the old world, preserved under the snows, have only increased their power and hunger for resources and technology, and they send out mighty fleets, seeking new, hospitable lands to settle.


  • Proud Warrior Race Guys: From what we know of them, they have a viking-like raider culture, and hire mercenaries out to other factions. They also come in frequent conflict with their neighbors in the Fjord Baronies.

Arashi League

Outsiders, beware.

A collection of tribes driven together by mutual necessity, the Arashi are native to the harsh deserts of the South, experts are surviving in an impossible, deadly land. Rivalries among tribes are common-fights for lands, for water, for resources and treasure of the old world. The League is an attempt at survival through cooperation. Instead of fighting each other, they now turn their attention to outsiders, protecting their land from those who seek to change their way of life. Any who dare venture into their lands best come armed.


  • Spikes of Villainy: Seems to be the default for their ship designs, best exemplified by the Bonefish. As with most factions, they're more morally grey than outright evil, but they are xenophobic and hostile.

Fjord Baronies:

Live with honor, die in duty

Descended from the officers of a Great War army, the Fjord Baronies are a feudal monarchy located in the North. A former bastion of prosperity, dwindling resources and aggressive neighbors force them to look outward, even as refugees from surrounding conflicts and glory-seekers flock to their banner. The peasants want peace, but the lords and nobles must support their own, and so the nation rallies to war once again.


  • Decadent Court: Though it seems to be one of the nicer places to live, it's been referred to by the developers as the "Song of Ice and Fire" faction.

Mercantile Guild:

Nothing will slip from grasp.

From the disease-ravaged land called the Vastness rose the Mercantile Guild. Run by quiet, dignified merchants, the Guild understand sacrifice and struggle-how their ancestors worked to afford the life of prosperity they now enjoy. They look to the other nations and see profit. Thought they have much to offer, it is wise to be wary. There is always more to gain-and the Guild is never satisfied.


Order of Chaladon:

Death balances the scales.

Above every nation, the island of Chaladon was least touched by the blight. A glittered jewel in a land of desolation, Chaladon prospered. They made great advances in fertilizers and bio-engineering, increasing crop-yield, making way for a nation of leisure and invention. Life was perfect, in a word. Then the age of Air hit, and word spread that they could teach outsiders to grow crops that could feed families for months, with enough left over to store for the winter. However, the Order will not share their secrets. To overtax the earth is to invite a second blight. Better that they prosper than all perish.


Yesha Empire:

There is only one way of life

An expansionist empire from the west, the Yesha believe that not only is their way of life a superior, but that it is a gift to be shared with the rest of the world. Build upon restrictive societal roles, the Yesha believe that every member of their society, no matter their role, should take no shame in their job, performing their duties to it's utmost. A dung-shoveler may be as proud in his work as a judge or scholar-what matters is the quality, not the nature of a job. It seems natural that the rest of the world should welcome them as well. What could any man or woman desire but a roof over their head, food on the table, and a place in society?


  • Fantastic Caste System: Seems to be one of the defining tenets of their society. How people find their role is yet to be seen.
