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Characters / Dawn Of The New World Order Anti NWO Nations

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Anti-NWO Nations

The members of the New World Order, a revolutionary group of Nations and Micronations who wish to change the world as we know it.

The Nations and Micronations who are against the New World Order, who wish to stop them and keep the world as it is at present.These Nations can be seen as examples of the following Tropes:
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: This is, of course, like above, only the case if the Anti-NWO is considered as 'evil'.
    • Italy to Romano. They are brothers, after all.
    • France is protective of Monaco, revealed in Chapter 35.
    Narrator, from France's POV: Still, France will not allow them to hurt his little girl. He'd die before he'd let it happen.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: Hungary and Poland.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Every nation has a healing factor that can even regenerate limbs given enough time, which is a good thing or else around half of the current group wouldn't even be breathing right now.

  • Character Development: In the beginning of the story, he was still his usual canon self. However, after four of his former ex-colonies and Egypt show up at his door and reveal what's happening. This, coupled with the subsequent encounter with Haiti, causes France to become a lot more serious and protective of his siblings. And he not only accepts the part he played in driving a few of his former colonies over the edge without attempting to justify himself, but he also develops massive feelings of guilt for it.
  • Shipper on Deck: Well, yeah, he's still France after all. He's supportive of the idea of Egypt and Seychelles, to say the least.

  • Big Sister Instinct: It's unclear who is the older sibling, but the point is that she cares deeply for her brother Tunisia and . So the trope still applies.
  • Politcally Incorrect Hero: She's a brave and steadfast woman very committed to taking down the New World Order and prevent her brother from hurting Tunisia or anyone else and who cares deeply for her family and France. But she's also disgusted by homosexuality and unknowingly hurts her brother, who is secretly gay, whenever she rants about it. And when she and Hungary get into an argument regarding Tunisia, she accuses the other woman of enjoying seeing her brother molested by Morocco, being aware of Hungary's fujoshi nature, and calls her depraved.

  • Armoured Closet Gay: He's a devout Muslim who does nothing to stop the mistreatment of the gay community in his countries like many other Muslim countries, and even helps persecute them. But it's later revealed it's because he's a very closeted gay who's spent years living in shame in a mostly homophobic Muslim world, and he allows it in hopes that he'll be 'redeemed'. He's still miserable. And when Morocco reveals his knowledge of Tunisia's sexuality, the latter screams at him to stop talking and it only gets worse from there.
  • Gayngst: Tunisia is gay and part of a community where people like him are often shunned and beaten. He's very much aware of this and he constantly dreads that one day his sister and the other Muslim nations will one day discover this . He considers himself a 'disgusting' person. Then Morocco comes in, reveals that he knew all along that his brother way gay and is determined to make Tunisia embrace his sexuality and become his devoted lover(despite that they're brothers). It gets especially worse after his second encounter with Morocco in Switzerland, where he deals with having been violated by his own brother and maybe enjoying it.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: Morocco is very much convinced this is the case, and it's confirmed when Tunisia revealed that he had always 'selfishly' wished for a man who'd love him and give him all the affection that he's craved for centuries. Of course, Morocco intends to exploit this.
  • Nice Guy: When he's not dealing with trauma or suffering a near complete breakdown due to his brother, he's one of the nicest nations in the current cast.

  • Deadpan Snarker: One of the snarkiest in the whole story. Several of her most memorable moments are of her annoying nations with her remarks or dryly calling out certain nations.
