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Characters huh.... I guess I have a few of these.

We Are On A Space Adventure A.k.a SPPPPAAAACCCEEEE!

    Michael Sitona - 14 - Main Character 
  • Name: Michael Sitona
  • Race: Nanite-Construct
  • Gender: Currently Male
  • Biology: For all effective purposes Michael's biology is identicle to that of a somewhat small and scrawny human teenager. A large proportion of his cells are filled with these tiny semi-organic nano-machines however that maintain his body and build whatever form they are programmed to do.
  • Appeared age: 14 Years old.
    • Actual age: Maybe about 5 months old now.
  • Homeworld: He believes he grew up on the destroyed Gemini IV station, though it would either be Armada station where he has spent technically 3/4 of his current life. Or the Varizite Mothership where he was created.
  • Physical Traits/Appearance: [1] Michael stands currently at 5feet, 3inches / 159cm tall and weighs 112lbs / (51kg). His build is mostly undefined though the starts of a somewhat more muscular build is showing. His longish hair is a near silver in color with only in the correct lighting showing its blond shine, slightly curled the fringe is just long enough o sometimes cover his eyes. Meanwhile his rounded eyes are a deep hazel green. His face is lightly freckled but otherwise his skin is fine and unblemished with no scars or similar marks. He usually dresses in a black and green long-sleeved shirt, sometimes a greyish-brown jacket and around his neck unless in use would be a pair of green and black headphones.
  • Occupation: Troperia Communications Officer and Musician.
  • Equipment/Tools:
    • Deluxe Communicator: A gift from the officers on Armada during his time there aiding the landing teams, this communicator is as powerful as a small portable computer but relatively small in size. Michael has it linked upto the Troperia's communication and surveillance system. In honesty with all the logs, information he has jotted down about the crew and systems it is linked to that communicator is like a black box of Troperia security and embarrassment.
    • Musical Equipment: As it says on the tin this includes his black and green headphones, his acoustic guitar, his compact folding keyboard, as well as violin and drum kit given by Matthew. He is a near one man band.
    • Solar Taser: A solar-rechargeable taser that Michael got from thugs bullying Russell West on Nos Lycarin. He hasn't used it but he has on it on person. Hell maybe one day it will come in useful. It goes without saying it is a non-lethal melee weapon that is easily concealable.
    • Basic amenities: Spare clothes, cleaning stuff, money, wallet, ect.
  • Powers/Abilities:
    • Universal Cipher: Due to the nanite instigation with his entire body but especially his brain, Michael is ablet o read, speak and understand almost any verbal or written language he experiences with only a few brief moments of exposure in which time the nanites essentially download the data in question from the Varizite Mothership. This same connection has also made him a expert at Cryptography capable of seeing through most forms of encryption quicker than a computer might as well as a deeper understanding of computer languages though he still needs to learn more in that department.
    • Nanite recombination: The nanites in Michael's blood grant him unknowingly to himself rapid healing speed a order of magnitude higher than he should have naturally. Though this is the tip of the iceberg, if reactivated fully the nannites would be capable of rewriting the construction sequence allowing for huge scale shapeshifting. Depending on the target creature this shapeshift could take seconds (Such as to a similar humanoid), half a minute or so (Such as into a drastically different sized humanoid.), a minute or two (For non-humanoid of similar size) or possibly upto 15 minutes if it is a vastly different shape and size creature. This has yet to trigger yet.
    • Musical Talent: Michael's pattern solving ability and inbuilt knowledge includes Musical Talents. He instinctually knows how to use most instruments or his voice to create a variety of music or replicate any music he hears quickly. Surprisingly less good at reading sheet music though it is hardly like he needs to very often.
    • Ship management: Michael in his time aboard the Troperia has gained a basic understanding of how ships function in their day to day functions and how to operate them. Michael is okay at handling the basic logistics of supplies and trade for keeping the ship stocked as well as knows the basics about how to operate weapon systems, power controls and how to pilot (Though he sucks at landing)
    Matthew Miers - 16 - Main Character 
  • Real Name: Matthew "Young Haven" Miers
    • Alias/Alt Name: Rylan Banes
    • PRISM ID: 0221163 PPATD
  • Age: 15, 16 years old.
  • Race: Human, fourth generation proto-genetic Seraph
  • Gender: Male
  • Biology: PRISM's answer to Hestia's epimetheans. Seraphs are genetically modified humans who have had their genomes spliced with multiple alien species and artificial genomes, in addition to having artificial cybernetic graphs to help surpass human limits. Seraphs are a commutation of all of PRISM's work and espionage.
    • Matthew is a fourth generation proto-gentic Seraph, first meaning he does not possess the cybernetic graphs or other additions given to Seraphs just the genetic splicing making them very close to epimetheans. Matt's body heals at around three times the speed of a regular human and due to both genetics and conditioning is able to withstand forces and trauma 150% more than a average human. His body muscular strength is approximately 50% higher than the average persons meanwhile his body possesses significantly less fat than normal. His body can survive in a vacuum without suffering depressurization damage for short periods of time but is notably highly resistant, at-least five times as a regular person to ionizing radiation. His skeletal structure is denser and stronger than usual making them harder to break and his body capable of surviving greater impacts. He has redundant tissue in replacement of some otherwise lessened or missing and unnecessary organs that can maintain his body even during critical organ failure. His blood contains several times more blood cells than normal and is incredibly resistant to toxins, his immune system and liver breaking them down very quickly. His eyes can see briefly into both the UV and IR spectrums. He has an incredible level of natural psionics, enough to bee physically harming and near uncontrollable without being suppressed or dampened. His predicted increase to lifespan is unknown but may be as high as 80% if the psionics are kept under control. His skin is naturally tougher than usual chemically and possesses a mild anti-bacterial excretion to protect from infection.
    • In total his gene mods come from 38 different alien species, all of whom possess a high level of natural psionic potential and many who also possess desirable physical traits and characteristics such as increasing healing rate.
  • Homeworld: The destroyed, Tigarus-Delta station over Caylos VI.
  • Physical Traits/Appearance: [2] A seemingly uninteresting kid for the most part. Standing at 5" 7' tall (170cm) he doesn't look particularly strongly built, pretty average in most ways. He has unkempt straight but a bit long black hair. The only somewhat unusual feature is his eyes which are a deep golden, like the gem citrine. Seemingly never in a cheerful mood and normally just dressed in a short, sleeved grey hoodie with a hair of decent sized headphones highlighted in yellow. Otherwise ignoring his bracelet his attire is uninteresting. Just usually a pair of dark jeans. Under careful examination the back of his neck has his code-number tattooed.
  • Occupation: Rogue PRISM agent.
  • Equipment/Tools:
    • Psionic Blades: Nicknamed Ren and Rin they were custom designed built and designed for Matt to use to take advantage of his massive bleed of psionic potential. [3] Based on his emotional state as well as his current strength the blades create a powerful wreath of plasma that surrounds its multi-layered ferrous magnetic core. Small psionic barriers attempt to protect its user from the blades immense heat. The blades at high power can cut through Titanium-Zirconium Alloys.
    • Standard issue pistols A pair of standard issue pistols each of which can hold twelve shots in their clips and were designed to be well balanced encase by some hell of a reason someone wants to duel wield. They are not particularly strong, accurate but they are useful long range weapons.
    • Psionics kit: A large black briefcase that contains a variety of tools and equipment for aiding in psionics, including training and reading equipment. [Akraline-DiOxe Cyanide] pills which while are effectively a potent neural poison, he uses them to suppress his psionics and side effects caused by them, a little dependently; also known as neural dampeners. It also has some other medicine in it which he isn't too familiar with using, added by his brother.
    • EVA Suit A well made EVA suit designed to protect the wearer from external toxins, vacuum, heat, electrocution, cold, pressure and to a minor degree physical injury though it is far from physical armor and relatively easy to tear or piece in combat only providing temporary protection.
    • Basic gear' A.k.a: His wallet, his basic communicator, money, clothes, traveling goods, keys to his brothers ship, ect.
  • Powers/Abilities:
    • Telepathy: Matthew can Telepathically communicate with up to a dozen other individuals in close proximity, he must be aware of the individuals presence and cannot fish or otherwise accidentally get information. Simply it allows him to establish a connection and send them messages and receive them back if the target chooses. They must share a common language for this to function. If he is aware of a individuals presence but not there exact location he can also use this to try and find them.
    • Haven: Matthew's signature power, a psionically create spacial warp in a quasi-real hyperspace. Haven has multiple uses the first and main usage is to store away items Matthew can carry comfortably into the extra-dimensional space or to recall them from this space at will and command. Be this weapon to hand or to belt, or clothes into hand or onto body. The second and more powerful use of Haven while very taxing and draining and highly experimental is forcing a warp in spacetime to form a reality-marble into this alternate space, allowing people to visit or possibly more correctly trapping Matthew and his foes in this alternate space till expelled or Matt fails to keep it running any further. Haven's layout and structure is a manifestation of his Psyche and is based upon the ruins of the under sea facility on Caylos VI that he was kept at as a young child. While in Haven his level of control of the environment and of his powers increases significantly.
    • Minor Telekinesis: Still something which needs some training; Matthew can telekenetically lift small unattended objects and manipulate them at a distance. His ability here is weak but has been growing to be able to launch some objects with some perceivable combat use or disrupting movement enough to cause minor damage. Though for the most part it is used to pick up a drink across the room, manipulate a computer console he can see without touching it, retrieve a key from a desk or even unlock a old fashioned tumbler lock using it. The final usage he has displayed is boosting himself at high speed, giving himself a rapid boost in acceleration at the start of a charge or to change direction.
    • Ambidextrous Combat: Matthew has excellent reaction times and hand-eye coordination as well as strength and agility. Despite his average appearance his gene mods means he has a alarming speed and strength. He is talented at wielding two weapons simultaneously, when it is his swords he can be a rapid and dangerous foe able to block, dodge and strike simultaneously with few breaks in his movements. This is most effective one on one however and does become weaker quickly as he diverts attention among different foes.
    • Escape skills Matthew has been captured alot, actually even that is a understatement and as a result he has learnt quite the talent at being able to escape bindings, handcuffs, straitjackets actually most restraints are only a matter of time for him to break even without his powers.
    Blake Banes - 21 - Main Character 
  • Name: Blake "Gatecrasher" Banes
    • PRISM ID: 0160745 PPATD
  • Age: 21 years old.
  • Race: Human, fourth generation proto-genetic Seraph
  • Gender: Male
  • Biology: PRISM's answer to Hestia's epimetheans. Seraphs are genetically modified humans who have had their genomes spliced with multiple alien species and artificial genomes, in addition to having artificial cybernetic graphs to help surpass human limits. Seraphs are a commutation of all of PRISM's work and espionage.
    • Blake is a fourth generation proto-gentic Seraph, first meaning he does not possess the cybernetic graphs or other additions given to Seraphs just the genetic splicing making them very close to epimetheans. Blake's body heals at around twice the speed of a regular human and due to both genetics and conditioning is able to withstand forces and trauma 120% more than a average human. His body muscular strength is approximately 45% higher than the average persons meanwhile his body possesses significantly less fat than normal. His body can survive in a vacuum without suffering depressurization damage for short periods of time but is notably highly resistant, at-least five times as a regular person to ionizing radiation. His skeletal structure is denser and stronger than usual making them harder to break and his body capable of surviving greater impacts. His blood contains several times more blood cells than normal and is incredibly resistant to toxins, his immune system and liver breaking them down very quickly. His eyes are adapted to seeing in low light better than most, in addition he can see briefly into both the UV and IR spectrums. He has an mild level of natural psionics, barely capable of functioning on there own. His predicted increase to lifespan is unknown but is estimated at around 80%
    • In total his gene mods come from 38 different alien species, all of whom possess a high level of natural psionic potential and many who also possess desirable physical traits and characteristics such as increasing healing rate. Though unlike his near-genetically identical brother Matt, many of his gene modifications never triggered till later in development.
  • Homeworld: The destroyed, Tigarus-Delta station over Caylos VI.
  • Physical Traits/Appearance: [4] Standing at the height of 5" 11' (180cm); Blake has a solid but tender build with both deep red eyes and similar color hair ending in lighter orange tips. Clearly muscularly strong by his appearance having rather strong definition. Generally dressed in a ripped white shirt with a under-layered red one. A small necklace on a piece of string always around his neck. He has his ID number branded on the front of the left side of his chest. He almost always carries a belt of explosives and at least a weapon.
  • Occupation: A rogue agent of PRISM, partner to the Chairwoman of Nos Lycarin and freelance merc/pilot.
  • Equipment/Tools:
    • PSF-Damocles; a custom rigged, FTL capable and armed and adaptable fighter craft able to comfortably seat three. It is large and bulky and houses a large cache of weapons and possibly illegal equipment. Has a psionic energy converted to allow itself to be boosted by a pilots psionic ability.
    • Psionic-amplifier This small psionic device when worn and activated, as well as programmed by a computer or communicator boosts Blake's psionics by resonating signals at the optimum frequency boosting any effects he uses. This is seldom used since his most common use for his power is not something you plan for.
    • Engineering Kit: A large variety of tools and equipment for ship, weapons, explosive or armor repair or consturction including a small number of engineering drones to do basic work autonomously.
    • Armory: Blake has a large stockpile of weapons and explosives, he keeps a small number on him at a time and the rest aboard his fighter craft. Several pistols, rifles, shotguns, machine guns and lots and lots of varied explosives and his signeture grenade launcher that he rarely gets to use. This technically even includes a set of explosives rigged on his own person to detonate if anything was to actually kill him.
    • Psionic Barrier: A piece of kit easily attachable to his clothing that uses psionic energy to generate a barrier around the subject. Since Blake is pretty weak in terms of psionics it provides little protection but he does often use it to filter out airborne toxins by creating a bubble to keep gas molecules in.
    • Other gear: Clothes, a top-grade communicator. A motorbike which is pretty much always stored in the back of his ship. He is currently broke.
  • Powers/Abilities:
    • Precognition: Blake's psionics passively echo out this wave of psion particles that are in a state of quantum entanglement with other particles. While this sounds straight forward and simple some of these pairings that are formed are with particles not yet created. As a result this field that is generated is able to spend these entangled messages backwards in time by a few seconds to grant Blake in times of danger the ability to foresee what is about to occur to him. Presuming it was a injury he would be capable of physically surviving. A injury that would kill him instantly would prevent the pairing being formed and a message being sent. The final result though is a increased ability in combat or just dangerous circumstances to be able to dodge his foes attacks rapidly, to whatever physical limit is possible with Blake's physical speed.
    • Biosynesthesia: Blake has the ability to focus upon a single target with his abilities and extend his extra sensory field to examine the target, search for wounds, injuries, monitor heart rate, vital signs and even brain waves though it is a difficult task for him to do especially while under stress but it can be useful for aiding medical procedures or tracking of targets. On Matthew due to the two being near-clones of one another genetically or targets that have had a lot of time spent studying he is able to extend this to basic biomanipulation. Usually to incapacitate, suppress pain, scramble recent thoughts and memories or psionics. Due to the speed and exertions not a useful combat power but on a weakened, lone or willing target it can be useful.
    • Hand to hand combat: Blake is a expert in close quarters hand to hand combat, partially from mentoring Matt and sometimes from drunken bar brawls but regardless he is exceptionally dangerous even while unarmed. As well as being armed.
    • Engineering: Blake is an engineer and pilot, through and through. Capable of fixing up or jury rigging most kinds of weapons, ships and the similar with a decent amount of skill given the correct materials. He is especially fond of creating explosives and will even tinker with new designs for himself or his ship to use. Of which he is also a pretty decent pilot especially when in his own specially designed spaceship or similar small craft.
     Lucian Reinhart "Thirteen" - 10 Kinda - Main Character 
  • Name(s) or Alias: Lucian Maeger Reinhart, "Thirteen"
  • Age and nameday: Biologically 10yrs old, (technically born 14 years ago.) born on the second day of Raega Mid-winter.
  • Gender & Identity: Cis male, also straight.
  • Race / Species: Synthasite Operator, originally standard Raigen human.
  • Biology or equiv: Synthasite Operators are humans (or other aliens technically) whom have undergone at a young age a long, invasive and extensive surgery and procedure to change them into AI-Human hybrids. Lucian underwent this procedure at the age of seven, earlier than most of the other subjects who would undergo at age eleven in an effort to save his life. The process slowly digitizes both the patients mind, implanting circuitry into their body and replacing core tissue with special silver-orincite-nanoparitcles.
  • Home-world: Raega in the Rhona-C system, however recent few years grew up on the Gemini IV station - Military research wing.
  • Physical traits/Appearance:
    • (Current): Lucian is sick, thin, somewhat emaciated. His arms, legs and body weakly built taking the toll of extended malnourishment and failing life support. His rib-cage is visible, his shoulder-blades protruding. His hair is brittle, tangled, dirt covered, its silver sheen instead this aged gray. His skin is ghostly pale with some spots covered in minor freckles, running under the surface of the skin faint green cybernetics can be seen running across his cheeks, down his arms, waist and down his spine; running over his body. His deep hazel green eyes are faint with small discolorations on the iris. He stands at a height of 4ft 4inches tall (132.1cm) but only weighs a mere 3st/42lb (19kg).
    • (Standard): Lucian is a thin, weakly individual standing at a height of 4ft 5inches tall (135cm) and whom weighs 4 stone, 12lb (31kg). He has fair, skin, light almost pale with small blemishes of freckles and with underlying faint green glow of cybernetics, hard to notice except on his face or wrists unless they're in use where the glow becomes clearly visible. His neck-length silver hair, shines with a clear almost reflective shine. His hazel green eyes have a small emerald halo matching his cybernetics, the back of them seem almost reflective. His youthful childish face, has his fault tired expression with a pair of large eyes and slight pointed nose. His appearance is almost dead identical to that of younger Michael Sitona.
    • (Clothing): Lucian wears this large hooded jacket whose fabric is this dark, near black metallic, somewhat reflective. The jacket is banded with a white edging and straps that run run down the front and arms, capable of being tied or used as a restraint. The hood has a small badge locked onto it with the number 13 printed upon it. He wears matching set of jeans, made from the same materials with similar straps is on the lower half of his body. Underneath all of this is a pale green hospital gown. He has a pair of high-topped white shoes with a magnetic plate on the base. Finally he often wears a fitted metallic mask that conceals the face, with a grate over where the eyes, nose and mouth are to let air through. Green lights and highlights sit upon the mask, as well as the number 13 being printed upon the forehead. The mask is attached by a locking mechanism around at the back with multiple different electronic ports.
  • Occupation/Role: None, he is a child. He is however a experimental subject for the Synthasite project after being rescued from a defeated slaver vessel; being trained as an Operator once he is old enough.
  • Powers / Skills:
    • Hyper-intelligence: Lucius' IQ and mental processing power is extremely high capable of processing magnatudes of information greater than he should be standardly capable. A large portion of this was natural genius, yet his military training syncronised with the various AI's of Gemini has boosted his logical pathways in addition to his cybernetic-synthasite system has further magnafied this.
    • Uplink: Lucius can use his hybrid-biology to establish a direct connection to any digital system, allowing him to hack, control or otherwise manipulate the systems in question. Using his intelligence and familiarity with the tech to do such.
    • AR-Field Manipulation: (Augmented Reality Field) Lucus' implantations and treatments allow him to use a system known as the AR-Field. Its projections build atop reality altering its functions local area. The exact limits of what it is capable of are unknown however it is currently only loaded with a specific set of programs and functions. Function list: "Barrier Matrix", "Syncronisation Protocol", "Holofield Projection"
    • Synthasite Phyiology: In essense is biology makes him extremely durable to physical trauma, heat, cold, starvation, thirst, sleep deprevation and similar. While his body is capable of sustaining all of it, in some cases without debilitation far higher than the average person it will still be highly unpleasnt to do so.

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    Kaize Mirth - 19 - Sidearc Character 
  • Name: Kaize Mirth
    • PRISM ID: 6164124 AEFTE
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human, third generation Seraph
  • Biology: PRISM's answer to Hestia's epimetheans. Seraphs are genetically modified humans who have had their genomes spliced with multiple alien species and artificial genomes, in addition to having artificial cybernetic graphs to help surpass human limits. Seraphs are a commutation of all of PRISM's work and espionage.
    • Kaize is a third Generation Seraph giving a decent a amount of modifications over a regular human. His body heals at double the speed of a regular human and is able to sustain about 50% more physical force and trauma than the average person. His body muscular strength is 25% higher than the average persons. Kaize's body has a higher range of tolerance of temperature to the average individual as well as being able to survive three times the radiation dose of a average person without treatment. He has natural low-level psionic abilities since a young age, which have been amplified by the usage of cybernetics within his body based on Hestian technology. The cybernetics have also make further increases to his healing speed and bone structural strength, made his metabolism more efficient and aided in increasing oxygen absorption and toxin removal in the bloodstream. His lifespan will likely be between 40% to 60% longer than that of a average persons.
  • Homeworld: Terra
  • Physical Traits/Appearance: Kaize stands at a height of five feet, seven and a half inches tall. (171cm) He has a average but somewhat androgynous build, his appearance being somewhat feminine, weighing 143lbs or 64kgs. He looks younger than he is, partly due to the extended lifespan he has but also the more androgynous build. Kaize has long deep flowing brown hair naturally highlighted green in some parts, though his eyes show it far more being a jewel like emerald in tone. He usually wears his Enforcer uniform which is light green, black and white in colour, and while not always entirely noticeable has reinforcements to it to function as armor. His belt has PRISM's insignia upon it. [5]
  • Occupation: PRISM Seraph Enforcer
  • Equipment/Tools:
    • PRISM Psion Bracer: A wrist attached computer and psionic amplifier given to PRISM's enforcer agents. It serves many functions, firstly as a communicator and personal computer. Secondly as a basic hacking tool. Thirdly as a psionic amplifier for aiding its wearers with performing higher level psionic stunts or being able to perform less practiced maneuvers. Many agents are reliant upon it to take the mental stress away from themselves when performing their actions.
    • Arc Pistol: A gun that fires out a high powered electrical current similar to that of a taser. It has a rather short maximum range but it is useful in emergencies especially for crowd control or in the event of needing a large electrical current. It is usually non-lethal, though it can be set to a higher power level in exchange for a larger charging time.
    • Stun-Cane: A extendable baton which can either be as small as a police baton or as large as a quarter staff meant for close melee-combat and capable of delivering a non-lethal but painful electrical shock to anyone hit by the cane's tips. It is made of strong but lightweight titanium-platinum alloy.
    • 'PRISM Enforcer Armor: Kaize's uniform has a nano-weave lining within its fibers that can absorb the shock of many forms of shrapnel as well as provide some minor protection from bladed weapons and firearms. It is insulated to protect against electrical shocks, is flame retardant and on the chest there is some additional ceramic plating to help protect vital organs from direct damage.The armor also projects a thin kinetic barrier around itself to further slow incoming projectiles and to distribute and dampen incoming shock more evenly to protect against impacts, concussions and it also grants some protection to the wearer from laser and plasma fire. It even comes with a helmet and nightvision visor for helping both protect the head and let the user see in dark conditions.
    • Basic Items: ID, Wallet, Cash, Emergency medical pounce, and other small general things he might need... Oh and oddly a small collection of ninja stars.
  • Powers/Abilities:
    • Aerokinesis: Kaize has the ability to manipulate gaseous molecules in the nearby area using his psionics. Examples of uses include but are not limited to: Amplifying or suppressing sound, creating wind barriers to block projectiles, launching high powered pressure waves to either blast and concuss or when made thin and precise slice a target with air currents, to limited flight. It goes without saying, far less useful in a vacuum and weakened underwater.
    • Basic security training: Kaize is definitely no expert on the subject but if needed he can certainly override basic security on a low-level system or door or pick a simple locks.
    • Basic military training: Kaize has military training since he was young learning skills such as hand to hand combat, first aid, how to maintain and use firearms. Even if he seldom carries them.
  • Background:
    • Kaize was born the biological child of Dr Lyana Mirth at PRISM's advance robotic labs on Terra, Japan. While the biological child he was born and grew in vitro, on Pegasus Garunda station till shortly before birth where he was sent to his mothers facility on Terra. Growing up on the human homeworld of Terra he experienced a vast amount of human culture and history, as well as got accustomed to people and crowds. He received regular yearly checkups with PRISM doctors to monitor his growth and once his powers began to manifest he began extra-curricular psionic training in addition to a regular school education from the ages of 6 - 10 years of age.
    • After this point Kaize transferred to training at a PRISM military facility to continue his education and his training with more advance facilities though he was allowed all the luxuries and amenities you might expect a preteen into teen to want, as well as regular ability to visit the nearby cities in off-time. He developed alot of interest in traditional weapons during this period even if as a hobby.
    • At the age of 15 Kaize decided to enlist as a Enforcer Agent for PRISM and begin full military training for the next three years till his 18th birthday learning to use his abilities in practical combat situations not just defensively. Learning hand to hand and firearm technique. Medical and security skills as well as learning about alien worlds, biology and language.
    • Since his 18th birthday Kaize was sent out on basic near-world missions on Terra and its neighboring worlds aiding in security and peacekeeping as his junior year of practical training which he excelled at, especially enjoying opportunities to aid others. On his 19th he returned to Terra to celebrate the graduation of training at home with his family and friends, to be sent out again a month later now for some real world enforcer missions.
  • Miscellaneous/Notes (optional): Not a primary character for one; he will not be joining the Troperia within any foreseen future but instead be acting independently to show off some other things in the universe.

    Russell West - 10 - Secondary Character 
  • Name: Russell West
  • Age: 10
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Biology: Not a lot to say, he is just human after all. Due to a combination of developmental failures and a serious infection to the optic nerve he was born near-blind. By the time his parents got him to a medical center traditional surgery was not an option and the optic nerve had to be severed. If he had treatment earlier it may have been possible to preserve some artificial sight but due to the time it took, his brain never managed to develop the neurological circuits for sight preventing his brain from even processing visual stimulation in the first place even if it had a connection to eyes, organic or artificial. He does have a much sharper auditory acuity able to hear a higher range of noises than the average human due to brain plasticity and minor auditory sensitivity surgery. He also has the great unluck of suffering from a minor irrithmic heart condition, though it rarely has much of a impact not does he doesn't talk about it much in fear people will treat him differently or start pitying him.
  • Homeworld: Nos Lycarin
  • Physical Traits/Appearance: At a height of 4ft 7 inches (140cm) tall and with a pretty undefined build. He has a lean build but a definitely healthily one. His skin is fair, without any freckles or marks. His hair is a brown and scruffy. His eyes are opaque, distant, blueish-grey and cloudy being the best description. He weighs 4st 10lbs (30kg).
  • Occupation: None, he is a kid. A expert at video games however so I suppose that's a thing.
  • Equipment/Tools:
    • DACC:note  - This matted carbon-fibre black wristband possesses a physical screen and tactile responsive holographic projections. Specially made technology to aid those with the disabilities of blindness or deafness or who suffer with medical issues. It functions both as a communicator and computer. Its neural lock makes it near impossible to accidentally fall off or be forcefully removed without the owners consent. Russell's in particular has a VI assistant named Jasper loaded to aid him. Also digitally keeps his money functioning like a card or credit stick might in addition to being like ID.
    • Hoverboard: - This hoverboard combines powerful propulsion & stabilizer technology, highly compact power cells and mass field nanites to achieve steady lift. It can fly at high speeds while projecting kinetic shields for both air friction and projectiles, making it a desirable method of transportation in any situation. Yes, he does use it a lot and do a lot of tricks with it.
    • Collapsible Cane: - There is not a lot to say about this. It is a white and blue mobility cane mean't to aid Russell; he doesn't actually use it that much except when he is in a particularly cluttered environment, when its too loud for him to hear properly or he is unfamiliar with the area. It can collapse down to about half the size of a flashlight. Generally kept attached to his backpack, if he brings it at all.
    • Backpack: Russell has his backpack he grabbed from the orphanage full of basic supplies like a change of clothes, some candy, a few other small amenities like a stuffed bear.
  • Powers/Abilities:
    • Acute hearing: Russell's range of hearing is far superior to the average persons, a natural compensation amplified with a small surgical implant which allows him to hear sound outside the regular human spectrum, infasound and ultrasound. Russell growing up since a baby like this has learnt to use this to aid his mobility via echolocation which is usually generated by specialized software on his DACC though he can generate workable noises manually with some effort if needed.
    • Video game expert: Not really a power but Russell has spent a lot of time at the Arcade and on game consoles learning to play games despite his back of sight. While he cannot play every kind of game, some are just not accessible with a combination of trial and error plus aid from his DACC he can play a surprising number of games with expert talent.
  • Background: Russell was born as one of many Spaced Children in the orbit of Nos Lycarin; children who as a kid are just abandoned on the planet without any context in a aim of people to give their kids a better life than they could provide. As a result he has grew up in the Lyterran Orphanage. Born primarily blind and due to the processing time of trying to get work out who he was he was and travel by his parents was unable to be taken to surgery before the neurological damage had set in from missing his critical period of visual development. Yet despite this he has just learnt to just take it in his stride and live as normal a life as possible, definitely often in the face of naysayers. Though even with all his hardwork its not perfect as much as he would like to say otherwise, he cant do everything everyone else can; like wanting to look at the stars that people describe so bright or even something simple like read a book or sign without something reading it to him.
    Kyerine ??? - ??? - Secondary Character 
  • Name: Kyerine
  • Race: Kyanite Rhysha (Human)
  • Biology: This section is way too long for me to get into here... I would need a separate doc for this. Its pretty complicated, though basic they are energy beings of Essense who take on the corporeal form of the corporeal parent be that a human, Cenn or just housecat. All have a "colour" that effects different abilities of theirs and oh yeah, most of the race essentially has a permanent EMP on physical contact.
  • Age: Unknown, looks around 8 years old?
  • Gender: Identifies as Male and physically looks male but...technically mono-gendered.
  • Home world: The dying world of Arnok in the Celesta-Gamma system.
  • Physical Traits/Appearance: Currently Kyanite appears as a white haired fair skinned young human boy. Standing at a meager height of 132cm or 4' 4 tall, his weight meanwhile is alarmingly light for what you would expect, perhaps about 19kg or 3st. His frame is not overtly weak looking he looks pretty average all things said. Minus the eyes which are iridescent between a faint purple and blue and the pupils which are elongated like a cat or a snake.
    His rather long, straight and oddly soft white hair flows in no particular style just naturally flowing down though remarkably remaining clear and untangled. He is wearing a seemingly silken and cotton white shirt, marked with unusual runes and markings in blue thread. Otherwise just having a pair of white cotton and silk trousers. Not really carrying anything else, bags, equipment or anything similar except a silver necklace with a bright Kyanite gemstone within it.
  • Occupation: Stowaway kid?
  • Equipment/Tools: Absolutely nothing, well except the Kyanite Essence Necklace which stores extra essence within it to his usual reserve. It is a VERY expensive looking necklace however, laid with silver and ornately made.
  • Powers/Abilities: Your character's special skills and abilities.
    • Essence Control Can manipulate a force known as "Essence" which is harnessed through Essence Stones such as his necklace and his own potent system, a form of magic-esque energy. Able to shape and manipulate it at will into a number of effects both offensive, and otherwise with an innate understanding that his entire species shares. Yet more over his contains a unqiue, "spark" that majority of his kin do not.
      • Kyanite Warp: Innate of his "colour" he is able to teleport short distances in bright flashes of light to any nearby location simply by giving its vector from his position. A.k.a: Forward 10 meters, This costing exceptionally little energy unlike other uses for his essence. This ability essentially bends spacetime enough to create a momentary wormhole that last only milliseconds.
      • Alchemical Transmutation: Kyerine can focus his essence to alter the chemical makeup of nearly any material into that of nearly any other material he is familiar with. The degree in difference in the baseline materials effects the difficulty and time it takes to transmute. This can also be sued to create essence crystals from already pure or crystalline materials.
    • Energy form: As all Rhysha share, they all possess an energy form capable of assuming their natural state of pure energy. If a Rhysha's true body was to suffer enough trauma to kill or destroy their natural form they would automatically assume this form, albeit very weak till they could create a new body or their old one was somehow restored. Essentially unkillable in this form however, killing a Rhysha* pretty much can't be done prematurely, grievous harm simply forces them to flee unless you contain or trapping them; the worst form of punishment possible is having their energy form contained into a what are essentially cylinders and then just buried on the home world for all of eternity just left till they dissolve into nothingness. The form can voluntarily be assumed for a short time allowing for flight, and the ability to gaseous move through small places but it is severely uncomfortable compared to a corporeal form and most can't maintain it for long voluntarily.
    • Techno-static: A involuntary effect of Rhysha to disrupt the flow of energy in their surroundings, for most things like heat and light this is difficult to notice, only minor distortions or shimmers but for things more sensitive to the flow of energy such as electronics things get weird... Such devices having effects that are unnatural, just shutting down, randomly sparking, or all manner of possible malfunctions. Most of the time Rhysha try to calm this effect down to simply by touch but they can never do so completely, especially if they are using their other abilities. Sidenote: Because people get interested it is based around them accidentally altering probability of quantum tunneling.
    Lohkelarn - 5 - Secondary Character 
  • Name: Lohkelarn
  • Age: 5
  • Gender: Scavanger Drone
  • Race: Chi'arkah
  • Homeworld: Narkeer
  • Physical Traits: At the body length of 12ft or 365cm long, and with a total arm span of 16ft wide if spread Lohkelarn is a huge creature. Standardly standing at a posture of 5ft tall, and with legs included 7ft wide with its 12ft of length however making it more compact but still comfortable. Its outer carapace is this thick rusted brown. It possesses 10 legs, 4 fanged mandible for holding prey and 4 lesser pedipalps for manipulation. A picture will make it easier to visualise.
  • Biology: ??? Shh, this shall be revealed as we go along.
  • Occupation: Traveler
  • Equipment/Tools: What equipment? What tools?
  • Powers/Abilities:
    • Chi'arkah Biology:''' These creatures are huge, massive, tough and resistant to many things. I don't want to spoil about the biology too much but this is the main thing this character has with its ginormous size and all.
  • Background: ???

Of Spirits and Swords: Tales of a Feudal Island

    Ren - See inside - Deuteragonist 1 
  • Name: Ren
  • Age: physically (13), technically (25)
  • Race: Half-youkai (Hanyo - Kinda) note 
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthplace: Born on the islands city of Kynata though was raised in a secluded noble estate on the western foreign isles of Raeland.
  • Physical Traits/Appearance: Standing at a height of only 4ft 11 inches tall and being rather light. Their skin is quite pale as is their golden blonde hair. A pair of emerald, jewel like eyes that seem unnaturally beautiful. Near identical to their twin sister. Dressed in dark fine frilled noble outfits that oddly never seem to dirty themselves, at-least for very long. Ren's hair is decently long, able to cover his eyes if he is not careful. Neither of them having the forethought of how many different ways they're gonna look out of place. PIC: Ren's on the left hand side.
  • Clan/Family: House Nightsong, a landed family from Raeland who are primarily scholars who have dabbled in the occult.
  • Occupation: Young noble; acolyte priest and physician doctor.
  • Equipment/Tools: Clothes, bag, a dagger, quite a lot of money, waterskin, a silver jeweled rosarynote , medical supplies, tools and pre-mixed common medicines.
  • Powers/Abilities: Skills, magic, or abilities your character uses.
    • Youkai-link: Both Ren and Mana are tainted and corrupted; it has left them with an unnatural bond. Whenever one gets hurt the other immediately knows and feels the pain as well as if they were the one to get hurt. In addition neither of them can age any further, if this makes them ageless and or immortal is unknown. Being part youkai themselves they are both keenly able to see apparitions and youkai who would normally be invisible to a human eye. The bond has one final effect, the two of them fall rather weak and sick if kept separated for too long.
    • Talisman sense Due to a ritual performed which for some reason Mana could not pull off but Ren could, he is attuned and able to with a little bit of effort sense the direction or at-least clues relating to the Talismen they are searching for to break their curse.
    • Medical skills: Ren has studied and trained in health, anatomy, herbalism/medicine, and similar. Having trained under the houses physician in becoming a doctor.
    • Stewardship skills: Ren knows about and can do stewardship and accounting decently well, capable of running a business and getting a good price in trades. (Someone had to take care of the estate while Mana was studying)

    Mana - See inside - Deuteragonist 2 
  • Name: Mana
  • Age: physically (13), technically (25)
  • Race: Half-youkai (Hanyo - Kinda) note 
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthplace: Born on the islands city of Kynata though was raised in a secluded noble estate on the western foreign isles of Raeland.
  • Physical Traits/Appearance: Standing at a height of only 4ft 11 inches tall and being rather light. Their skin is quite pale as is their golden blonde hair. A pair of emerald, jewel like eyes that seem unnaturally beautiful. Near identical to their twin brother. Dressed in dark fine frilled noble outfits that oddly never seem to dirty themselves, at-least for very long. Mana's hair is rather long and curled and is accessorized by a black bow. Neither of them having the forethought of how many different ways they're gonna look out of place. PIC: Mana's on the right hand side.
  • Clan/Family: House Nightsong, a landed family from Raeland who are primarily scholars who have dabbled in the occult.
  • Occupation: Young noble; sorceress and a bit of a musician.
  • Equipment/Tools: Occult spell-tome, a dagger, clothes, bag, a wooden flute, pouch of paper, ink and quills, chalk, charcoal, a empty notebook, waterskin, a little bit of money and Haruka. ((A finely bred riding horse who is also carrying a pair of bedrolls, blankets, colder-weather clothes, some basic maps and a compass. Plus of-course riding saddle, harness, ect...))
  • Powers/Abilities: Skills, magic, or abilities your character uses.
    • Youkai-link: Refer to Ren's section for details.
    • Western spellcraft: Mana is a capable sorcerer of western magic. Her primary focus is on summoning spirit creatures for aid though she has studied various fields of magic. Making her capable of casting a variety of magic given enough time and materials. Expect a lot of incantations from her castings.
    • Performer: While as part of their noble training both Ren and Mana were trained in dancing and singing and both are skilled in each. Mana is definitely the superior performer, being skilled in many different instruments in addition to her dancing and singing skills.

Other OC's I have sheets for.

-None yet, give it time.
